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  2. Interestingly I was just thinking about this the other day and watched some games from the early 1970s. Couldn’t believe that it took the NFL until 1974 to finally figure out that it was better to have the goal posts at the back of the end zone.
  3. Ukrainian devils harass an old woman on victory day.
  4. Attended a match in Memphis,Tennessee in 1988 where Jerry ‘King’ Lawler defeated Curt Henning also known as Mr Perfect for the AWA World Title and it was a really good match. A lot of wrestlers got their start here in Memphis among them are Hulk Hogan in 1979 it was the owner of the Memphis promotion who gave Hogan the name Hulk. Dutch Mantell a wrestler here gave Steve Austin his name. Sting and Ultimate Warrior started here in 1985 as the Blade Runners. Undertaker wrestled here as Master of Pain in 1988. Sid Vicious ran a farm near Memphis and started here in late 1980s. Kamala also lived near Memphis and started here in early 1980s. Manager Jimmy Hart was from Memphis and was a musician and started here in late 1970s. Rock and Roll Express were put together and named by Jerry Lawler in mid 1980s. The Freebirds Michael Hayes and 15 year old Terry Bam Bam Gordy debuted here in 1979. Bam Bam Bigelow started here in the year 1987. Manager Jim Cornette started out in Memphis as a photographer and then a manager in 1982.
  5. It's hysterical the Biden has now pissed everyone off. The hamas lovers hate him and now israel hates him.
  6. Very illuminating how a guy like cuomo can now tell the truth while the mainstream media to this day continues to lie.
  7. Ukrainian forces caught in another cauldron( for about the 20th time), in town after town the same sad scenario plays out - ukrainian commanders refuse to accept reality and refuse to withdraw in time to save their forces. The result will be a chaotic retreat which will cost hundreds of lives.
  8. Today
  9. The victory celebrations in moscow went off without a hitch as the ukrainians were unable to disrupt it. Here russian troops march through the streets as tens of thousands of dead ukrainians decay in the fields of donbass.
  10. Each of us has heard the phrase “circus of freaks.” Despite the fact that today it has a completely different meaning, such circuses really existed. Basically, the public liked to watch the performances of bearded women, dwarfs and giants. During performances, they played different roles. For example, dwarfs could play the role of small children. Often, the highlights of the program were people with thick facial hair (people are wolves). The great interest in people with physical disabilities was caused by the fact that they were considered creatures of the devil. Attitudes towards them changed only at the end of the 19th century, when the level of medicine improved. Then it became clear that the artists of these shows differ from other people only in appearance. Of course, the appearance of these unfortunate people shocked the faint-hearted and unprepared. Freak circuses lasted until the 1950s. ▪️Freak circuses and freak shows were banned in the West in 1955. ▪️Eurovision took place for the first time in 1956. By the way Ukraine made a final. Who would of thought. Lol. Can't make this shit up.
  11. The system is against him though. 🤪
  12. Will this count on the FISHSTICKS ledger??
  13. Cuiaba 3-0 Metropolitanos Nacional Potosi 4-1 Fortaleza
  14. Of course its justified, a no brainer.
  15. I recall one at the old st paul auditorium, andre was there, i think against vern, dusty rhodes was there, bockwinkle and ray stevens.
  16. Sure some here been to some WRESTLEMANIA'S ----------------------- Best here was BRUISER BRODY vs HARLEY RACE best of three falls for NWA title....around 1982.
  17. Awesome Seen Jerry a few times, not sure if AWA or NWA circuit.
  18. AWA battle royal st paul civic center won by Jerry Blackwell circa 1980
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