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Everything posted by batemanpatrickl

  1. I'll send KR a copy of my paycheck stub. He can verify.
  2. I'll bet him $100 that I pay more in federal/state income taxes this week than he's collected in disability since the beginning of 2020. Kolzig should win easily. SSDI/SSI about $600 a month for Kolzig. So $600 x 4 (January, February, March, April) = $2400. No way Bateman pays $2400 in federal/state income taxes this week for a two week pay period. Take that bet fat boy.
  3. Told you Haldol boy pick a city in NH or ME and we can meet up. You won't though because you are a fat pile of garbage who still lives with mommy and daddy. Unemployed broke dick loser.
  4. Yeah I virtually knocked out a fat drooling retard who never worked a day in his miserable life.
  5. Bought VTGN at $0.43. Worth a little money if you can handle biotech volatility.
  6. My lunch is up Boat Boat Boat. Have to get back to sitting on my fat ass. Be well.
  7. Poker was fun. Won't be banned in a week. Unless you ban me for calling a spade a spade. Do you know what I mean?
  8. And physically assault an old fat drooling retard who inherited everything he owns and hasn't had pussy since pussy had him?
  9. Who wipes the drool from your fat lips retard?
  10. Sad part is this fat broke balding midget thinks he's cool.
  11. Can you imagine having this loser as a father? I can see a husband since Dub can't do better.
  12. Says the fat balding midget. Who has more hair you or Dub?
  13. Doesn't take brains to manually test software idiot. Let me know when you make it to Maine tough guy. Your father should have beat you as a kid. Maybe you wouldn't have turned out the way you did.
  14. Good. You threw away a good IT career because you are a class A piece of shit. Hope you drop dead of a heart attack you fat ugly bald uneducated broke dick midget.
  15. Need a CATFISH catch and eat video from Boat Boat Boat.
  16. Bateman as normal as they come when not drinking Grey Goose and picking crumbs out of the carpet. A toast. To a Bateman named Pat. And asses that are fat.
  17. Paid you in full with fee. Merry Christmas you filthy animal.
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