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Posts posted by WeinkeToWarrick

  1. 20 hours ago, joeybagadonuts said:

    Were you staking your coins there ? I thought you were not your keys not your coin guys like me??? 

    My buddy got buried there too. Fucked up situation 



    No, but I had quite a bit of their stock and then some VGX held in the app as well. 

    I am fortunate that with Celsius and BlockFi I got my 30k in USDC pulled out the week before they stopped transactions, but -98.5% ROI in my Ameritrade account on the stock is brutal. 

  2. It is a bit heartless and sad that Citadel was willing to devastate so many people by attacking a piece of shit’s terrible and arguably criminal idea over 800Mish dollars, but it’s pretty obvious IMO that’s the game that was played. A cocky ponzi artist shilled a shitcoin to the point his own hubris allowed the lion to walk right into the gates. It was cool for awhile to say you had a lion in town until it ate everybody.

  3. The world is moving digital. 

    At some point, there will conceivably be the digital equivalent of the Mona Lisa. To preserve that Mona Lisa’s ownership, however, will only require security of that persons private keys, not an entire museum of security and preservation. This is effectively the extrapolated argument for the value of NFT’s.

    That said I don’t own any; never have, and will not likely pursue them as an investment vehicle but will only utilize that technology once it’s reached full adoption (ie, a sporting event ticket)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Jimmy Hoffa said:

    See NFTs for an example of worthless, overproduced trash.

    When Madonna and all of the other squares have jumped on board, you know the ship is sinking...

    See post above

    bitcoin is the signal, the rest is noise 


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