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Everything posted by High3rEl3m3nt

  1. We can set for two months out and you can train for match
  2. Brock, If I only get one hand, do you think you could beat me in a boxing match. 16 oz gloves. One round until someone is knocked out or gives up. In Vegas. Winner buys loser a few beers after match. $3k to 5k. Fish records match for TGF.
  3. ahaha...me too red. What brand of shingle are you selling these days?
  4. you're the honey that draws them in, brock. Like a poker advertisement for the forum. We appreciate your contributions. Muchas gracias
  5. how are you following this development?
  6. seats open. you can't extend beyond $100 in credit. see ledger for specifics. New players have to post up with WVU
  7. https://www.pokernow...YczUIZKe61EeDhr
  8. If you have a losing week, but win one session, how can you be basking in victory?
  9. Looks like we have some interested posters. Kinger, would it be possible to get a table up for us?
  10. Brock, make sure you lace up your new, new balance shoes extra tight before going in. I saw a couple of heavyset protesters who would know doubt envy your expensive RUNNING shoes. Hate to see them try and pull one or both free from your feet.
  11. get some more video up for the fine folks at TGF. Great reporting, Brock.
  12. hoops, brock, and a couple more would be great
  13. in if we can get a couple more players.
  14. Thank you, Dogball. It looks like I have it covered based on those minimums (there's an additional detailed contract that covers those bulleted points and legal disclosures that Oregon requires us to give--all sent through DocuSign). The original post is a supplemental document to make sure that the payment terms cover bases--appreciate the advice from everyone
  15. Thank you. I am sure I will be paying your hourly rate at the poker table here shortly.
  16. Thank you, Deem. .....one of the elements being what happens if they don't pay? Do you think I need to say something about that?
  17. I know Deem is one and I think there's a couple more. Situation is I know the customer and trust them, but still need to draft a document that passes the legal basics of a binding contract. Does this cover my most basic bases? May 28, 2020I _______________________ agree to the following terms: Payment to xxxx xxxx (my company) of $15,000upon the start of my roof replacement project and 5 monthly payments of $4,000 to (my company)to begin July 1, 2020. Additional costs, such as deteriorated components e.g. plywood decking, fascia,barge boards will be added to remaining balance owed, which will then be recalculated and spread outover the 5 monthly payments to begin July 1, 2020.Customer's name______________________ and my company's name _____________________________intend for this agreement to be legally binding. Customer name: ____________________________Customer signature: _________________________Owner’s name: _____________________________Owner’s signature: __________________________
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