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Everything posted by mikeman

  1. What's crazy is that the dems are ready to rally around their weakest, most inept candidate? In spite of all the coverage, most voters dont follow this too closely, they dont know how truely awful Joe is. Stumbling, bumbling, even van jones called him mr magoo. Trump is going to have a field day if sleepy Joe is the nominee.
  2. Are you teds agent now? I haven't been offered anything, I'd have to think about it if offered, if the shoe was on the other foot, would he take pity on me?
  3. It's amazing how insults roll off your back when you're rich.
  4. Dow up 1200+, biggest gain in history, Trump wins again!
  5. McCarthy, a staff physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, says he still does not have access to test kits. “I’m here to tell you, right now, at one of the busiest hospitals in the country, I don’t have it at my finger tips,” he said. “I still have to make my case, plead to test people. This is not good. We know that there are 88 cases in the United States. There are going to be hundreds by middle of week. There’s going to be thousands by next week. And this is a testing issue.”
  6. I bloomy stays in a 3 man debate with 3 old men should be interesting. it'll be like hanging out at the VFW.
  7. Holy shit, 5 more dead in washington today, maybe 4, there are so many I'm losing track.
  8. We all knew dems were weak, but yesterday and today highlights it, amy and pete have been campaigning for months(maybe a year), then they drop out 1 day before the biggest, most important primary day. Weak and cowardly. Just pathetic, then they're going to toss their support to the weakest candidate of all, a man who's literally losing his mind.
  9. Good nutritious food, 13 grams of protein i see.
  10. it's all bullshit, people buying masks online or at their drug store , hardware store, etc, dont take masks away from medical personnel, that's not where they buy their masks. By the way, did you see what's going on in Iran, the virus is out of control there, the chief advisor to the ayatolla just died of the virus, other people in the govt also are sick(with another death as well), yet pilgrims are going to religious shrines and actually licking them, thousands of people one after another basically licking the same areas.
  11. Amy klobachar tried to have a rally her in MN yesterday hoping to build excitement for Tuesday, she was forced to cancel it after black lives matter protesters showed up. How in gods name can she pretend she has what it takes to be commander in chief, when she lacks the courage to tell her people to throw them clowns out the front door?
  12. Even the chinese are laughing at our Disease experts who tell people to not buy or wear masks. They said everyone should wear one, because you dont know who has it and who doesn't. Recommendations like that will only make things worse.
  13. Attract the minority vote? are you nuts, they already have it. Joe Biden is not black, and he sure as hell isn't obama. Blacks nationwide are not especially enamored with old white politicians that used to be racist's. Obama picked Biden to appeal to conservative, blue collar, semi racist whites. those groups are long gone from the dem electorate of today.
  14. The democrats are letting ignorant southern blacks that go to church decide their nominee. OOh, Biden won SC. Other than the color of their skin, they have almost nothing in common with democrats nationwide.
  15. Nope, until it comes near, all is well, but 1 or 2 cases nearby, it's whoa Nellie.
  16. If bernie, a communist is elected, this country will split apart., He'll never get a chance to implement anything. By the way, bernie and especially biden will be extremely vulnerable to this virus, I expect at least one of them to get it. Trump wont, he's a germaphobe and is protected by God to boot.
  17. The bad thing about this virus, and pneumonia in general, is there is no treatment. You get it bad, your lungs are filling with fluid, there are no magic pills/drugs, antibiotics will not work(it's viral), antivirals are reportedly not especially effective, all they do is hope.
  18. What are you, crazy, expanding the pool of people that get free health care hurts everyone, especially the govt. However, when a million mostly old and sick people die in the nest 18 months, long term health care obligations will be a bit less.
  19. I dont like rooting for people to die, but it's not like it'll drag out, should t have it won by tax day.
  20. Biden will win NC, prob ALA, maybe Va, i think Ok too, not sure about that one, not many blacks there, But CA and TX are what matters, and bernie will steamroll them.
  21. I feel bad, I was shocked when he suggested it(I didn't), couldn't turn it down though.
  22. How do you feel about the fix being in? Biden wins the first primary of his 3 campaigns for president, and the establishment goes all in, all in trying to deny bernie, the only candidate that people really like. No one likes Biden, no one is passionate about him, he cant talk, flubs everything, he's an embarrassment. Bernie is going to win 6-7 states on Tues. biden 2-3, amy maybe 1, how the heck will the media look at that and say Biden "won"?
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