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Everything posted by mikeman

  1. Dont see a chance in hell the dems get the senate, who's gonna flip?
  2. Another captivating thread by a posting legend!
  3. So they're running like mad, trying to catch something that doesn't exist, that's just dumb.
  4. I thought it was decent, lots of action.
  5. Guys who have a ignore list are on the dull list.
  6. Trump now ahead by 2 nationwide, tied in Iowa, terrible sign for the democrats.
  7. That was her victory pose, very sweet dont you think?
  8. Nope, but she did shave her stash for the final.
  9. Caster semenya from south africa won, previous tests showed that "she" has no womb or ovaries, but she does have internal testicles. How can a medal mean anything if they allow that?
  10. Trump pulling away, time to stick a fork in this one!
  11. What's wrong with debt, I thought democrats love debt?
  12. Crap happens to Trump every day yet he hangs in there, polls getting closer.
  13. Except historical realities in south america have nothing to do with either the USA or our min wage. Chavez/Maduro have destroyed venezuala not because of capitalism, but because their socialist policies have totally mismanaged what was once the most wealthy nation in the region, try again!
  14. They dont like that poll Cop, they only pay attention to the other ones.
  15. Min wage is needed to keep corrupt employers honest, A $15 min to appease the low skilled and ignorant is insane. If you are in a bad job making shit wages, you need to move up, not stay in that position forever. To me it's designed to keep people poor and in their place, it's diabolical.
  16. $15 an hour, why not $20, why not $25? As we all know there are no consequences for violating economic laws.(see venezuala)
  17. Sounds like he lived life on his terms, good for him. By the way, looks like he lived another 8 years after that scare.
  18. This was Gaitlands last chance too, he definitely slowed down thinking he was in, I just dont understand the thinking in these sprints that they cant go all out for another 5 or 6 strides? They are in the best condition of their lives for christs sake. You can watch the race on the NBC olympics site by the way.
  19. Target is sky high for food compared to others, rarely go there anymore.
  20. A friend of mine grew his big toenail out for like 2 years, then cut it off and mailed it to a buddy, you can only be so lucky.
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