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Sharp Square

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Everything posted by Sharp Square

  1. now Dr Seuss... thats going too far
  2. I can respect that and I appreciate that we can disagree respectfully.
  3. suck my ass you fucking traitor how bout that!
  4. lmao sure it does lol so delusional. and that is all the typing ill waste on this one
  5. see shit like this lol fuck you - how about that!
  6. I am honestly not trying to "own" anyone. I mean Raise is a batshit crazy pos and no one can really do anything with but mouthshit away as u would say lol I don't think Red, Jimmy, Mike, Tomorrow Newspaper, Sleepy etc are bad guys, But they are of the mindset now (or at least seems like) that if it isn't "Trumpism" then it has to be shit, I just don't buy into that. To me Trump isn't a Republican or a Democrat he is a con man. He was a Democrat way before a Republican but he changed sides because he figured his "messaging" worked better with GOP voters and the chance to make money was def far better on that side of the isle. They of course won't agree with me on this in any way shape or form but its how I see it. I am in the middle on some things and left on others but I will at least look at it with as much of a unbiased approach as I can. I will admit on some things I can be and am quite biased its human nature and hard to avoid it. I certainly am not perfect and I ain't smart enough to always be right. But I don't shy away from my own opinions just like they don't. And sometimes I am just well trolling lol
  7. so far energy policies I am fine with most of what he has done with EO's as they are only short term things so how he goes from there we will see. I live in a heavy oil and gas state so I hope we take small steps toward green new energy here and not try and jump off a cliff all willy nilly. We will see how far and how fast his actually policy attempts are. Now on immigration I lean a bit more on the we need to be a bit more careful than we have in the past. so we should move forward slowly making sure we keep certain protocols and safe guards in place. But America was built by immigrants whether u like it or not its a fact so we can't just put up a no longer wanted sign, thats fukin ridiculous.
  8. He cleaned up policy he did not like on immigration and covid mostly. We all know both sides have separate ways of looking at these things so he used EO's to begin a shift to what our side thinks is right way to handle these things, Fairly simple so I don't get whats so hard to understand here. Would take paragraphs as to how we differ on just those 2 big points, I really don't see a need to go there when we both know what these differences are. It is what he has used most of the EO's for so far
  9. Dude you think Trump is the still President ands runs the Military... ENOUGH SAID
  10. Biden has signed 34 exec orders! These orders don't really change policy or at least not the vast majority they simply signal a change in direction via the new administration on several things. Biden has used some of them to highlight changes in immigration policies which of course was expected. He used a couple to signal a new approach to the climate crisis and green new energy which again completely expected. Used a couple for new protections for the federal workforce, some for new ways to handle the Covid crisis as to PPE's and Vaccine distribution. One for new ethics standards for people in his admin etc None of these things were out of left field and unexpected. None of them are really a change in policy per say but a more so a lean towards and new direction and potentially where he may try and push new and upcoming policy. You can use them to do little things here and there but on the whole they are far less effective than actual policy. IN 2020 Trump signed 69 Executive Orders.... Using EO's to signal policy shifts is not uncommon at all esp for new administrations
  11. I have beaten your dumb hillbilly ass into the ground a few times with facts. because your too fucking stupid to know better doesn't mean it didnt happen
  12. Why answer when your not looking for facts or the truth, you just want mouthshits. Not worth the time and effort
  13. The things he didn't like! easy peasy
  14. Honestly not much gets done with executive orders and many of those were simply undoing some of the ones Trump had signed. So all in all nothing real policy wise has been done yet so we wait and see how it goes and what direction and form they take.
  15. Its been a month. Hasn't had a chance to do much really. Once Covid bill is passed and we can see how vaccinations go, so far he has righted the ship there so we should all be happy about that, #s are up across the country and hopefully its quick enough to hold down the new variants, he had a whole lot to clean up. Then we can see where he goes with infrastructure, economy, and etc I won't agree with him across the board but if its more good than bad I will be okay with it. Any direction is better than the one we were previously heading in
  16. I no longer worry about this con man ever being in any political office again much less the Presidency! The act is tired and the con has run its course, others will try and carry "Trumpism" but the orange isn't good for anything more than a money grab from here on out!
  17. Ha .... they are so triggered by him. He is living rent free in these clowns heads
  18. I wouldn't disagree with you that if he continued on that path it could potential impact gas prices, now just how much we just have to wait and see. And then we can discuss whether or not a few extra cents at the pump is worth the good these regulations do for the environment, that sounds like a hoot eh? lol But it certainly is not the case at this time and that is not the reason the price is going up as we chat here today. That is explained easily if one just takes a minute to read, and its happening because of OPEC's slowness to react to the rising demand. Also huge cold spurt shutting down many refineries down south didn't help the markets at all either. When we reach that point (as u mentioned above and Biden's policies begin to take hold) I would happily re-evaluate my stance and opinion of how's Biden is doing as per oil/gas markets
  19. past covid problems did the job market damage it's going to be some work to get it back. It also led to lower oil demand and lower price which is now changing as vaccination improves and cases begin to stabilize so OPEC will need to adapt the supply/demand ratios to help the gas market not Biden or anyone else here. how hard is that to understand is all I am asking? I know u want to find a way to say bad things about Biden etc and I am okay with that but cmon some of these things are common sense, just saying
  20. Sorry if I didn't list any "alternative facts" just the actual ones! And I am Cajun so I have my share of guns and I clean them well
  21. Prices were down over the last year or so because of Covid, it was having such a drastic effect oil demand was a lot lower than usual. Oil demand is now rising as Covid has started to waver some and hopefully continues on a down turn as vaccination improves here and else where. OPEC hasn't decided to increase oil supply yet so for now the demand is rising faster than supply. So the rising gas prices has nothing to do with anything Biden has done or him being elected its simple oil market economics. A new advance in supply from OPEC will come sooner than later and that will help stabilize the gas markets again, here and elsewhere. Same with job loss that is sadly a side effect from the Covid crisis and not directly tied to anything Biden has done. Remember Covid isn't a problem because of Biden it was that other guys pathetic effort! BUT help is on the way both the new Stimulus bill and Biden's infrastructure plans will spur the employment markets and the road to recovery will take another step in the right direction! Thanks JOE
  22. A month in and people are saying its the best first month a President has ever had. A lot of people are saying it. It's a first month like we have never seen before it's historic really. Joe the Hero is slowly getting America back on track! And it's only the beginning
  23. No worries BB its on the way! Even though Republicans are trying to fuck you out of it Joe won't let that happen. Guy is an American Hero Go Joe!
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