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Everything posted by theguesser

  1. Only 47? I did 6,021 myself. My George Soros funded crew in Brooklyn did 16,014,321 alone for the midwest.
  2. This Crook continues laying the groundwork for his coming STIFF job. This Stiff would be proud.
  3. Fred Sanford must be happy wherever he is. Big Ripple guy.
  4. Just like you, the story is a lie and a fraud: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/04/26/texas-will-rescind-its-noncitizen-voter-advisory-pay-450k-in-fees-to-settle-case/
  5. They'd be better off with one of these Sidney's.
  6. One can claim to be anything they want to be on the Internet. This kid's political betting on VP and then POTUS was absolutely the most clueless thing I've ever seen in Political betting. He reacts to every rumor there is, the definition of a losing chaser. If he actually was a Millionaire, he's now a hundred-aire. And my wife Jennifer Garner, and girl friend Jessica Alba agrees.
  7. Of course it's the media. And the loser concedes shortly after. Until this Traitor Fascist came along with his attempted coup.
  8. That's what Sick Cultists traitors do. They take after the Cult leader.
  9. Can't wait until this Nazi is back in jail for the rest of his life after his convictions. Should have absolutely been no bail, but that's The Idiot's America, where murdering Nazi trash is now allowed to go free.
  10. It is indeed an attempted Coup by the Fascist Traitor scum. He should rot in jail for the rest of his wretched life, but Unity Joe is too intent on Uniting with the scum traitors for that too happen. Just another weak fool D who thinks the insane Cultists can recover and go back to normal. Most, like the idiot OP are way, way, way too far gone.
  11. Too Bad, so sad, that it didn't happen, Cultist. For a change, the good guys won.
  12. Too bad she lost her sanity that she had in 2016: But sometimes Crazy can be even more alluring.
  13. Another thing sane people can confidently be assured will never happen, now that the guy that is wrong about everything Politically, thinks so. I'm sure VP Raimondo and VP Whitmer, and VP Bass, and VP Klobuchar, and VP Baldwin, agrees.
  14. She was better at it in 2016 before she sold her soul, like so many other sick, Traitor Cultists have.
  15. If you're too stupid to figure it out(you are), ask an adult to try and help you.
  16. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-dominion-software-trump-law/fact-check-dominion-softwarewas-notusedonlyin-states-where-trump-is-filing-lawsuits-idUSKBN27S2Z9 Verified Voting, the non-governmental, nonpartisan organization focused on the role technology plays in election administration ( verifiedvoting.org/about/ ), shows 24 states where Dominion Voting products were used in November 2020, including the six states highlighted in the social media posts ( here ). It also includes states that Trump won, such as Louisiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio ( here ). At the time of publication Trump had filed lawsuits in five states: Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia ( here ). The Trump campaign said it would seek a recount in Wisconsin but has not yet filed a lawsuit there ( here ).
  17. Even White Supremacist Nazi sympathizer Tucker doesn't believe the BS anymore.
  18. They control their own destiny in the division. Seattle this week, and 2 games against the Rams. Kyler would need a collapse by Mahomes, Aaron, and Russ(who IS collapsing lately) to steal the MVP.
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