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Everything posted by KingKolzig

  1. I just got it but my arm is limp. Sad. Nerve surgery isn't typical
  2. Pacheco u71.5 rush yards Andy Reid will put it all on machines if he gets even a tad nervous
  3. What's done is done. Millencolin
  4. No he fled. No neighbors care no family members care. Mother is different. Who cares about anything honestly
  5. I have nerve pain and take 2.5 mg oxycontin every 4 hours. Starting dose is 10-15 Shortchanged and wearing down
  6. Feel sick tonight have diarrhea and want to die. Please put a cartoon rifle to my avatar head
  7. The average black has overcome general disadvantages far more then a -330 lover like you. And I'd say 85% off all of them are considered more valuable to society over you. so the 15% who are brutal criminals or anti-gov you do have that
  8. Its bad. And I'm a malfunctioning human drone. I'm likely done and if I figure out they want me gone anyways then ok that's fine. I'm the victim
  9. Its a prison in Denmark here is Venezuela
  10. I got punked last night and I certainly can't handle that now. I can't post anything even somewhat controversial or taken the wrong way. I'm not sure who you are but if you are a regular guy not connected then fuk off I'm shattered
  11. Thanks mike I tried this place a few times it was down. I post at Bobby's too its better guys. Ill post here I just get pains and headaches at night. And I have many months with really fuked up hand until someone helps.but doctors are like lawyers now they don't answer questions cause of neck brace scamartists like Eric evil secretly recording
  12. Oh no the worlds so tough and everyone is so cruel and I need you all for ummm uhhhh
  13. Terrible bettor has been running from bookies forever
  14. Want to hear something nasty. Opiods make you constipated. He abused them so many decades his anus is out laying worse then a gay mans. And he's on the run so he can't see a doctor. And he's dealt drugs to bros that then died and hes a deadbeat.
  15. RetIred that stuff sickens me. Heard verses warning trannies actully. Not my problem
  16. My worst case is walking away with half an arm. But I can still jog. However my head was crushed and kills 3 months later. I need a neurologist but I have to wait
  17. Take Tatum over 42.5 pts reb assists +105 tonight.3 forwards hurt or hobbled they need him to play 40+ Also huge total so he might be 10+ free throws
  18. Does my arm have a chance? Please my hand stings 24/7 I will need it off if my nerves can't be brought back
  19. I need nerve surgery on my arm.A rich guy would already have it. I just need some info on if I can maybe get it
  20. I would need good care to mend. And someone has to think I'm worth that
  21. Hit by a truck. Mangled body and bad nerve pain.this place feels dark to me actually
  22. I need his help I'm doing nothing wrong I need some help
  23. no kidding. you cant use the word to take advantage Russia vs USA in nuke war. that ends a religion. treat others with love, and hold on tight
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