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Everything posted by Chickadee

  1. boat should be the only one allowed to spell words phonetically everyone else who does ban hammer
  2. Chickadee


    People who start threads on forums without posting a subject and instead substitute a clickbait title
  3. We know what mchunks got kinger bunch of soiled panties
  4. I love Christmas my favorite time of the year. I hate the gift part but there's ways of managing it
  5. Quite the birthday present for boat just another day at the office for fishy
  6. poor sbr john didn't get his ad money hope he gets paid one day! god bless
  7. Happy Birthday boat hope the legion puts out its finest spread for you
  8. yanks has changed doesn't sext me anymore
  9. It takes a special type of delusion to puff your chest out after going 4-1 for a week and forget the previous 40 years of gambling losses classic Brock
  10. Tailing gabe's play with Minny +3 guy is an NFL SHARP
  11. You first have to ask who is going to replace him if he gets fired? Because having a constant revolving door is no better - see browns Even if he's a below average coach he can handle the media attention of L.A. until they find something more suitable
  12. wanti had quite a few gems from his online hooker reviews to his bet the spurs fade the lakers nba system to the "lines" don't matter but taking every best number that was unavailable anywhere to claiming to have the other side of every losing bet and degrading people for not noticing he was head faking
  13. What will your girlfriend make of that list when she finds it? List of "yanks" side gig of gigolo? All guys too
  14. Well he did it again while you wrote your list
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