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Posts posted by RDTrains

  1. As long as the health system is not overwhelmed, we should want people to get the virus, it's here to stay, it will never disappear(every year it will return).


    The sooner more americans build immunity against it the better.

    Well there is one ICU hospital in Lynchburg so that shouldn’t take long.

  2. Can you imagine being forced to stay in the house with The X?



    Wife:  Hon, can you make me some eggs and bacon?


    The X:  I can't believe it's not butter.


    Wife:  What?  Just use the real butter.


    The X:  Ding!  Fries are done.


    Wife:  I don't want fries.


    The X:  My teeth itch.




    :laugh  :laugh

  3. How about Diane Feinstein, a D?  If she were an R, you mention her.  

    If she’s guilty of dumping stock based on insider info sold then kick her ass to the ass to the curb too.  See how easy this is!

  4. From a flight attendant friend:


    My Personal Experience.


    Here is the problem with "Corona Cases" on the TV. It is NOT ACCURATE those are people in the hospital. There are tons of people like ME sick but can't get tested in Self Quarantine. In Houston as of 3/16/20 the only place testing is the ER. In order to get tested you either have to have a fever of 104 or higher and/or can't breathe. I know because I have tried for a week to get tested. "Don't come here" is what I get every single TIME. YOU HAVE TO CALL AHEAD.

  5. I had to eat yesterday.  So I ordered a pizza.  And before that ate some lunch at a diner.  


    Essential.  I tipped well too all day yesterday. Like 50% tips.   I know these poor folks are gonna be hurting bad.  Wanted to spread some love before we all have to hunker down.


    It ain't here yet.  But it's gonna be.  And I'll be a good boy then.  

    No argument I will do the same.  Hope you and your family stay safe.

  6. I think the market will at least drop to 15000 and a 12000 bottom would not surprise me at all.


    And people in Texas, especially young people, were out in force this weekend celebrating an early start for St Patrick’s Day.  Restaurants were packed ignoring the recommendations of staying home.  I think it gets much worse before it gets better.  I truly hope I’m wrong.

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