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Posts posted by Hedge

  1. This specific contest came with a completely different bonus offer, there was never any mention of the double bonus being given with this offer. All of our contests have different bonuses attached to them. Its clearly stated on our web site. You have known me long enough to know I do not try to dupe anyone by misleading them my friend. 

    I agree. I've entered several deposit contests here (won two) and never did the bonus enter into the  equation.  If you deposit the required amount--you're in, just  as advertised. You've treated me very fairly and I appreciate it.  No complaints whatsoever, Griff.


    I hope you don't really believe that. Im here talking serious politics, you guys are talking racial break down of the electorate? Im a white guy who voted for Obama, proudly, twice. Everyone knows the president will get most of his votes from white people. Everyone. The fact that I didn't want to make light of what boat thought was a point is not something you can rationally exploit. I felt bad when I read his retort. It was hard to take seriously. Of course, everyone knows, every President has had more white votes than any other. That does not mean there isn't a great deal of hate from white people. Manipulating to change the narrative is what kids do.


    Republicans call terrorists, "Muslim extremists", does this mean all Muslims are extremists? No. If we had a conversation about it, and I pointed out that lots of muslims are not extremists, it would be obtuse, arguing the understood is obtuse. Making a point of the understood and then pounding it into the ground, as if you've made a point, is obtuse. I did not want to have to say that, so I tried to avoid it.


    Boat cherry picked something that had zero credence, and then made it the entirety of the debate. Distraction posting, CAPS debating, and it was ridiculous. It did not address what Cop said, it just fed into a narrative boat wanted to believe had merit. Boat ranting about the % of voters had nothing to do with the discussion, but it did deflect from the actual problem of hate that I was addressing with cop. No one ever said all white people and as I simply posted "let it go" he ranted more and more incoherently. You jumping on the back of the grade school statistics of the electorate doesn't do anything but show an unwillingness to accept and address the problem of hate, that Cop brought up, and I replied to, seriously. White hate is a problem. That is a fact. Cop, ignorantly, attributed the racial tension in the country to Obama. Obama doesn't do anything that is racially insensitive, he was raised by a single white woman. The problem is the birthers, the incredibly amount of hate from a faction of the white population. Far too large a faction. These people hate blacks, gays, and don't even want women to have equal rights. These people idealize the 50s.


    Why don't we have a political debate on one of the call in shows, winner, as determined by 11 impartial posters, takes 10K. I'll annihilate you, if you like. lmk, allude



    I wasn't responding to what Cop or Boats said, just what you said. You made a general statement about Whites, but say it's okay because you didn't say "All Whites". How is this different than someone saying "Blacks are lazy". Must be acceptable because the "all" was omitted. Racism is a two way street, in case that ELUDES you.


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