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Everything posted by BarryRunSome

  1. Hey f aggot you beg enough to get those 400 pennies?
  2. Hopefully TY saves Adam some meat on the bone.
  3. Imagine a dumb f aggot that wins one out of every 36 bets telling someone they got hit in the head because of a play they like. Moldy you ever beg enough to get those 400 pennies?
  4. www eastwestbank com nice call House. -260 guy is still in the ring collecting his brain matter off the mat
  5. -260 stone cold loser. Never had a shot. Dumb spic got his brains beat in
  6. Lolol Stupid fuck can’t even win a -260 bet lulzlulzlulz
  7. Can you imag8je being so fucking down and out, that you resort to begging at a 6 man Chittyforum for 400 pennies they should take this thread and turn it into a nationwide just say no to gambling ad put a bullet in your fucking head, c ocksucker
  8. Sorta like how you have difficulty keeping pecker out of your mouth
  9. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just pissed myself 4 bucks
  10. Bwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhaha someone please give me 400 pennies
  11. Bwahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahah 4 bucks
  12. Bwahahahahahahahahahah f aggot begging for 4 bucks. broke asshole bwahahahahahahahahahahah fucking moldovian c ocksucker begging for 400 pennies beahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha mwahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahah imagije how much of a scumbag degenerate you have to be to beg for 4 fucking bucks
  13. Absolutely and utterly an unreal dining experience. A 10 on every level. If I lived in Vegas I would be eating there once a week.
  14. Fish you ever eat at Echo N Rig in Summerlin? Top 3 dining experience I’ve ever had in my life. Service and food a 10.
  15. I’d love to see Eric The EEL get caught up in a BLM protest in East St Louis. Get a couple bullets lodged in his dome.
  16. Punchy polish up a nice shiny one for ya this weekend?
  17. The Eel came in his Wranglers about the Dodgers the first week of the season. Sunday night they got their shIt pushed in -380 :laughagainst the Giants. Guy was broke for 3 months after that game
  18. Apparently not, f aggot. Can you read? and don’t make me tell you again. Spit the Midge’s c um out of your mouth before you talk. You’re all muzzled.
  19. Swigger how’s LKid’s sister? Drop any bags of money off at the house lately? How’s he holding up in the federal pen?
  20. JoeBarry what was the CFL championship game, where the coach kicked a FG at the end and shoved a 2x4 right up The Midge’s ass
  21. So let me get this straight. The guy who is married to TY’s girlfriend, sent $2500 keyash to BetOnline, and still hasn’t paid you back BBB?
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