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Everything posted by evade

  1. well done sleepy. the whole video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BtPunDYhII
  2. pizza twice a month...disgusting
  3. Are the things too good to be true?
  4. Wonder who needs whom more? Are you seriously desperate for traffic to have him back?
  5. thanks. sleepy, can you make picks in just one thread? and mods can sticky that thread?
  6. I am betting on Wade mustering up the courage one day unless Latifah spoils the party.
  7. Why are you still fumbling about diet? Balco told you what he eats. He is bang on target though I will add plain yogurt. Also, you need to eat a bit less so your body starts using the stored fat.
  8. Why are they so fat? The tensions of gambling should keep them thin. Kinger, how many beers down before you say yes to the left cow too?
  9. Did for 45 seconds; was quite wobbly but didn't touch the floor though. Closing the eyes makes it a different game altogether.
  10. Good video kinger. Don't drop those weights and break the tiles. https://ibb.co/nD8koK
  11. evade

    Me too movement

    There has been a picture of fat kid in suit with a middle-aged woman posted here(or eog). Isn't he that kid?
  12. What's the lightest (in your estimate) Kinger have you met? joey is going full muslim. balco, do you see that?
  13. mike, didn't you make a post/thread about cleveland winning 7-8 games? or was it someone else? something new happened?
  14. evade

    Me too movement

    Basic bitches made millions in movies while getting attention from a multi-millionaire guy.
  15. evade

    Me too movement

    Here's another feminist sexually assaulting her student. Is she ugly enough to consider her as a predator? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/13/nyregion/sexual-harassment-nyu-female-professor.html
  16. That was a mishap and we need wade/latifah angle here.
  17. And why does it matter what she thinks? She is not going to put out to you. I know it's your money but still, pal. I have heard there is a book called "The art of not giving a fuck". Maybe it's for you.
  18. Get a black one, introduce yourself as Wade, call her Latifah and get this all on camera.
  19. Ex-police officer mysteriously dies a week after publishing a tell-all book about govt paedophile ring in apartheid south africa. Hurryup, tried to message you but guess you are not allowed. Keep the good work, pal. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-45195756
  20. Yeah, that's obvious. This is why I have said "business with" and not "work for". Do you ever appreciate artsy stuff? Post some pics if you do.
  21. Isn't latin america a better option? The slightly higher hooker prices will be offset by flight cost (and time) savings. Where is Rito when you need him?
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