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Everything posted by evade

  1. Oh dear. Don't piss them off or their prophet.
  2. Christ gets credit for food banks and holiday but not the inquisition and genocide. Awesome. You are as bad as those moderate muslims.
  3. You can not be serious with this reply. You have no clue what influence means.
  4. So, tell us about his profund influence? He is quite a symbol for BDSM - I will grant you this.
  5. No surprise. UK is overrun by Muslims and Muslim-loving liberals.
  6. Profound influence: Inquisition, genocide of people of Americas, slavery - all in name of that christ. yeah let's celebrate that. next month celebrate the birthday of that prophet mohammad too - another influential asshole.
  7. "I am proud to be an NBA referee and I am proud to be a gay man," Kennedy told Yahoo Sports on Sunday night. How can you be proud of being gay? Is sexual orientation naural or is it a choice? You can be proud of your choices. So, he is proud of making a choice to be a pole smoker.
  8. Kinger's horses are overweight fatties on junk food.
  9. Merry fucking war on Christmas. Joey, tell me the first names of a few co-workers who you think are Muslims. You might be mistaken.
  10. Muslims will lose their lover Obama in a year but they have got Canadian PM already on their team. It's the best time to be a Muslim jihadi in Canada. Daily Beast: Trudeau visited mosques all over Canada as part of his political campaigns leading up to his recent win. He visited a notorious Montreal mosque in 2011, a month before the U.S. classified it as an al Qaeda recruitment center. He addressed a mosque with ties to Hamas Trudeau’s key aide helping him nail the Canadian Muslim vote was Omar Alghabra, 46, a Saudi-born Syrian immigrant. Alghabra was once president of the controversial Canadian Arab Foundation which lost government funding in 2009 because of its support for groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, which are officially listed as terrorist groups in Canada. Trudeau just named Alghabra as his Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Consular). Full report: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/14/canada-s-growing-jihadist-cancer.html
  11. The biggest problem with Islam is its doctrine of armed jihad. Muslims may denounce terrorist attacks but not jihad. In his book, 'Deutschland schafft sich ab', Dr. Thilo Sarrazin wrote: "No other religion in Europe makes so many demands. No immigrant group other than Muslims is so strongly connected with claims on the welfare state and crime. No group emphasizes their differences so strongly in public, especially through women’s clothing. In no other religion is the transition to violence, dictatorship and terrorism so fluid." That was 2010. But, no one paid heed to him. It was Sarazzin who was forced to resign from the board of Bundesbank(equivalent of Fed). There are loads of disaffected and useless Muslims in France and Europe. Why would you want more? They benefit no one but left wing parties. It's nothing but votebank politics.
  12. Have a look at this 3 min video what these muslims intend to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnYY4T4YwJw The dictators in the muslim world know these muslims better than anyone. These regimes are not barbaric. They are essential to keep these fucks under control. The most clueless are these stupid white liberals like this dumb ass canadian senator: . The best part he is getting schooled about the dangers of Islamists by a Muslim! Extended video:
  13. this guy is good. you might have ditched an infection from some bogan too.
  14. A good guy who stiffed $700K :smiley-laughing001: Stealing and stiffing are badges of honor amongst degenerate gamblers.
  15. She is both dumb and cold-hearted. And why are you such a pussy? Why didn't you let her know what you think about both incidents?
  16. Can't believe some of these fucks have taken this thread as an opportunity to let it out on bailout (brock and BI) by hr wager. Envious sick bastards!
  17. 3*(5/6)^2*(1/6) 0.347222222 3*(5/6)*(1/6)^2*3 0.208333333 (1/6)^3*5 0.023148148 Set the cell format as Number - general and you will get the above results (based on one try). The point I was trying to make was the error resulting due to rounding off of individual components (as three in this case) and then adding them. Another exercise for you - just add the three expressions using the fractions. :-))
  18. GB, stop rounding off. Just plug the above arithmetic expressions in a spreadsheet and see for yourself. The numeric values differ(slightly) from the ones you have got.
  19. Kinger, - What happened to the broad that accompanied you in your vacation. You never updated us. I think you have a story to tell but you are avoiding it. - Did the other broad pay for the paint? As for the broad in this thread, she is certainly fuckable (don't like 1-10 ratings).
  20. Kinger, how do we link up pics directly?
  21. threesome with your broad and a hooker.
  22. This is possible. Hehe' date='[/quote']
  23. Who came up with this green and grey color scheme? Looks as if Brock's t shirt is a shroud over the forum. Too many color shades in the mix. Can we have some visually appealing color scheme? Can you make it possible to browse the forum without logging in?
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