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Everything posted by loman

  1. I have both favs. Sharps seem to be on KC and LA.
  2. http://www.amcostarica.com/morenews.htm
  3. Nothing more than a hunch, but I think it's going to be a chalk weekend.
  4. I'm a Mastiff fan. Not small though and you need some space.
  5. A Christmas Carol with George C Scott.
  6. Bob Dylan on The Holiday Blues (and how to beat 'em) :: "The holiday season is a time for joy however we'd be remiss if we didn't take a moment to talk about the holiday blues. It can be a time of loneliness and sadness and lemme tell ya, if you got the holiday blues, if you have any kind of blues, I feel for ya. I know life is hard but you don't need anyone to tell you how to feel better. You don't need Dr. Phil, you don't need Tony Robbins, you don't need any of those people on television, any of those people in magazines, you ESPECIALLY don't need me. I'm gonna tell you the magic formula: whatcha got to do is go out and help someone more unfortunate than you. Go to an orphanage, play football with the kids, go to a retirement homes, go to soup kitchens, go into prisons, go see some people, there's people everywhere who aren't as well off as you. No matter how bad you have it somebody got it worse. Instead of adding to the sadness in the world, why not lend a hand, help somebody out? And not just on Christmas, why don't you give it a try year-round."
  7. Nobody knows. We are all just making the best guess possible.
  8. Would never assume that. Believe everyone has to look for their own truth. Would never presume to tell someone what they should believe. Have no problem with atheists either.
  9. Here you go IAG. Something in keeping with the spirit of the holiday. "There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say." "Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- as a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!"
  10. Yes certainly not as hot as those 300 lbers you get at the Trump rallies.
  11. I am very happy in CR, It's not for everyone, but it works for me.
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