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Everything posted by Bucky

  1. [h=1]9-28 HR NFL Vegas #4[/h] Your response has been recorded. Submit another response
  2. [h=1]9-27 HRwager #4 NCAA Vegas[/h] Your response has been recorded. Submit another response
  3. [h=1]9-27 AB NCAA $100 challenge[/h] Your response has been recorded. Submit another response
  4. This will probably be the closest to a "real" life tournament I have seen. So, the goal here is to really focus on we all start with the same money - play at the same sportsbook - get the same lines - who can do the best? This will blow the guys that criticize stale line picking out of the water. We should call it UFC sports betting LOL! Anyway, this will be fun and maybe even teach us how to "shoot" a dime in action???
  5. Thanks Superman - got boat a private message - my apologies to the other players for not mentioning something in the thread sooner.
  6. I don't want to be rude to you guys but I think I got 8 right. The over 9 1/2 on Miami didn't get a W for me.
  7. hoping # 3 will be belly belly gooooood to me!
  8. Last week the dogs were barking! You guys are going for a 4 dog day. Hope you have a good one!
  9. How would a moron like this get 17k in his account? Hell would freeze over before I would trust any other human being to bet 17k of my money without checking my pending about 3 times. But, I do remember this story being talked about (on EOG I think).
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