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Everything posted by Cee

  1. Ok deal, I like your team so not sure why i'm offering
  2. Or will guys make too many pickups in foots so total points is irrelevant?
  3. Timely , you want points sides in foots?
  4. He was like Severino for me 6.96 ERA and a 2 ERA guy for you
  5. Remember when guys were stunned someone would draft D Johnson over Bell? Who knew?
  6. Should I bump the post when you were thanking me for leaving you Correa keeps?
  7. Can't believe Viejo has the best season of his life and he's playing for 3rd place
  8. I didn't know he was pudge's son. Makes sense now why he's dealing
  9. It was edited out it appears. The N word
  10. You spent all your time here calling WVU a racist and you drop ERs that's puzzling to me. Not the republican stuff
  11. Facts is a good guy no surprise here
  12. Makes sense, Cali is the best state in the USA by far
  13. it takes a week to clear your system bud -Dr Cee
  14. Unreal Timely only has to play well for 4 weeks and he's winners again
  15. Not really, guy is on medication that lowers his heart rate. So he can't get pumped up on adrenaline anymore. Now he just gets his ass kicked
  16. I think it's a middle ground to both players. You have your record mattering the most for the 1-2 seeds. And I have my most points mattering for the wild card so in the end record guys still win. But to each his own, not often people see things the same as me
  17. You like record first for 3-4 seeds tho I'd like a 5-12 team in it for a 3rd seed and go by points only for the wildcards
  18. So the Timely system makes Sale not worth a first round pick loss?
  19. Wouldn't be bad... I'd do 2 divvy winners and next two best teams in points for the wildcards tho
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