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Everything posted by IAG

  1. I thought legally you are still required to report it, w-2 or no w-2.
  2. I was thinking of doing a sports and OT trivia contest this week with part of my contest winnings. If I do, will be in one thread and u may have to get permission to post in it,
  3. Well if you're going to put them in, you might as well just go ahead and make the plays for all of us. Take the pressure off the player.
  4. And a count of remaining plays with text update sent out automatically each time any additional play is put in.
  5. Even auto-correct is throwing shade at Brock.
  6. . i'm actually wanting to find out if I feel better after giving up, or limiting dairy. Why are you starting on a Thursday? I'm pretty OCD about that kind of thing. Always start a new diet plan on Monday.
  7. Ahhhh..Atkins or a variation? I don't eat much meat so low-carb high-protein diets are a challenge for me. I was thinking of trying it again though. The first couple of weeks are the hardest.
  8. . Hell it was a struggle for me to get 50 in. And the T-shirt contest is killing me too. Maybe 100 plays would be better? I'll go with whatever since I committed, but 100 sounds more appealing.
  9. I want the baseball cards too then. I'll have to slowly sell them off to pay for food for that small tribe of furry creatures you have. You know my critters get only the best.
  10. . Was that a Freudian slip, or did you mean to say problem and not professional?
  11. What do you think of John Thune CK?
  12. Wear your bulletproof vest to the protest/parade Fair Warning. You have cats counting on you to make it home.
  13. . Eat some ice cream for me. That's when it went downhill....only used to,eat low fat frozen yogurt..always...then once made the mistake of buying Häagen-Dazs pistachio and Rocky Road full on real deal ice cream. I was never the same. Same with soda. For some reason they had these throwback pops in bottles on sale at the store. I never drink soda, and if I do it's diet. But they looked cool, so thought I would buy a bunch and have for company. I bet I have drank more regular soda in the last three months than I have in the last 10 years. That can't be good... So eat some ice cream and drink some pop for me Spankie...you could make a float. Im getting my Fitbit charged as we speak.
  14. Ps. Those chickens are crazy . I looked around at the swimming pool the other day...lots of fat kids. LOTS. There were a few heavy kids when I was growing up, but nothing like this. It's out-of-control.
  15. I started Day 1 eating healthier today. I start this once every month or so and usually fall off the wagon within a couple weeks. I am a boredom/comfort food eater, and comfort food does not usually consist of carrot sticks and hummus. I was walking 10 miles a day in January. A couple weeks ago I had to walk six blocks to church for a funeral. It was difficult. Of course it was 100 degrees, but still. I need to get motivated again. Maybe I'll have the shoulder surgery. Then when I drive a cat out to Kinger, he can kma on the tennis court.
  16. My point is the good things should be your wife and kid.
  17. Guy has a wife and kid and would rather die than give up gambling or eating out in restaurants. :facepalm:
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