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Everything posted by shhhcago

  1. Vito and nicks definitely on my list. Barracos is ok but roseangelas right down Street on 95the California is better. Barracos has a quality lunch buffet believe it or not.
  2. Manning is a stiff robot white guy. If he wasn't an athlete he would be the most boring guy on the planet.
  3. Garbage sausage patty at Lots. Best pizza in Chicago are neighborhood joints on South side. Northside pizza is hot garbage. I highly recommend Palermos - Justapizza - pop-n-pizza. Phils - obbies - roseangelas.
  4. If they charge 6 percent no one in their right mind would deppsit bitcoin. Do they even payout bitcoin?? What a racquet.
  5. Kidkonggolf paid within minutes. What a stand up guy. Thanks! Boys I'll run a contest soon to pass on the karma.
  6. Went 10 for 10. I had a great night with regular bets at my books but I wish I would of went out of my way and found some of these props at my books and pounded them. Thanks kidkonggolf. I'll run one of these during world series.
  7. Your response has been recorded
  8. Should only be using a rubber band. A wallet is the squarest thing in the world
  9. There were years at Olympic (the Greek) I bet every preseason game and total on the board every night.
  10. 20 for 20 yes. These are the 20 questions you can find in the yellow combo book at every gamblers anonymous meeting I go to.
  11. Take the moneyline too. They are going to come out so fired up. There is no way they lose this game. I have been listening to players and coaches on TV and Radio all week. they are treating this game tonight like a playoff game. I'm in Chicago and it's all I heard past two days.
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