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The Meatman

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Everything posted by The Meatman

  1. Like I am going to post that on a message board. Get lost son. I have bitch slapped you enough today. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  2. Sadly I am better looking than 90% of you clowns around here. And that is tough to do. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  3. Not bad Kingy. If I was a school teacher I would actually give you an A grade. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  4. Steal? Funny! Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato uses his REAL NAME and is NOT SCARED to show his face on video. Why? Because I don't steal or scam anybody. Just because you keep saying something over and over and over again doesn't make it true son. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  5. I got comps all over the city. I never pay for anything in a casino. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  6. Makes sure he says I use my comps when we go out to eat? Why?? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  7. I use my comps. I don't pay for anything out here. Dave "The MeatMan" scandaliato
  8. You have to be ready 24/7/365 when the 1-833-MEATMAN phone rings. You never know who will be on the other end of the line. Could be a $20.00 player. Could be a $1000.00 player. Even if I am doing a LIVE radio show and the 1-833-MEATMAN phone rings I am going to answer it. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  9. I call Emilio five(5) times a week to check in on him. We go out to eat several times a month. Trust me when I say I don't do it for selfish reasons. Thanks for the props Cap! Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  10. Huh? This is my BIGGEST preseason game in 2017. I am allowed to have one(1) big play during the preseason? Right?? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  11. I was only going to post it if someone wanted to know what it was. That's all. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  12. For the second time. What about soap or shampoo? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  13. Is anybody interested in getting the play ABSOLUTELY FREE? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  14. OK. When I do the video with Emilio about his military service I will include that as well. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  15. Is that all you do all day is think about me? It's kind of creepy?? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  16. Does it have any personal information on it that one(1) would not want anybody to see? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  17. Emilio pays for NOTHING when he goes out with The MeatMan! And I am VERY PROUD of that!! Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  18. Do you take the soap and shampoo from the hotel rooms you stay in? I guess I should ask if you ever stayed in a hotel first?? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  19. Let's not forget this thread is about Emilio. I still need to raise another $1100.00 to pay for the second half of his new used car as well as his registration and DMV fees. Anybody want to help? Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
  20. I am sure Emilio is doing OK today. I took him to lunch on Thursday and gave him enough money to last him through the weekend. Dave "The MeatMan" Scandaliato
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