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Tomorrow's Newspaper

Juice Free
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Everything posted by Tomorrow's Newspaper

  1. Head coach at Duke. Was offensive coordinator at A&M before that. Did a pretty good job with limited talent at Duke.
  2. does Bateman realize that this only pays one place and you cant catch a guy that is 10 units ahead of you if you have the same picks?????
  3. kansas +575. More because I want it to happen then I think it will happen but it does set up well.
  4. and thanks again. Stopped the bleeding on a losing day for me.
  5. and why would they kick the extra point. If it got blocked and returned, the game would have been tied. I was sure they would go for 2 and take a knee. Glad they didnt though.
  6. Pizza guy is most important. He used to be pretty high up with Budwieser. He even drove a bud light car. Quit seeing it a few months ago and was wondering if he was just parking it in the garage. Found out he bought a local pizza joint. Don’t know if he was fired or quit but I will find out eventually. The free bud light was a nice perk for years
  7. We have an ER doctor, my wife is an RN, a pharmacist, an EMT a preacher and a pizza store owner as neighbors. We are set for any emergency
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