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Everything posted by Bigrunner

  1. Same. Vino does all the hard, has the hard earned lead, guts out a win while drifting late. New York has the most liberal stewards except this time. They pick and choose, zero consistentecy.
  2. She's a crimal the right wing usually argues. Put her in a cage. Treat her like an animal. - Fair Warning
  3. There's a Traitor in the White House! Supported by the REPUBLICON party!
  4. That's right Nazi supporter. Speak to Americans with respect. Please is the key.
  5. He exposed you racist, bigoted double standard. Buried!
  6. Goofy, mad tiger exposed and buried you. You're simply a bigot and racist. You're part of American's minority. A horrific minority at that! P.S. Trump criticised America and Obama daily. You support Trump and his unAmerican idea and policies. Who unAmerican? Get out of my thread! - UnAmerican Fisscuck
  7. Racism, bigotry and Nazism is so unAmerican. Any American that feels obligated to support an illigetimate president that campaigns on demagoguery and leads rallys of white nationalist and Nazi's is a dumb American. Before Trump became president he criticised America every day. Now if someone criticised Trump or America him and his white nationalist base say that person is unAmerican. Only the dumb racist and white rednecks have bought in
  8. And than you ran! Drunk, for fuksakes answer my question. Do you still support the racist, bigoted Benedict Donald?
  9. Well say. Monkey doesn't understand the difference between healthy deficit spending and unhealthy deficit spending.
  10. Fisscuck took a jab at me and ran away. Haven't seen him since. He must have been drunk. Shocker
  11. Wow Cat runs tomorrow. She was the best last breeders cup. The best of any horse that ran on the whole card. Long anticipated return.
  12. Goofy you still support racist, bigoted Benedict Donald? If so fuckoff dude. I bet those casinos will allow all races, even refugees and immigrants. E Pluribus Unum.
  13. Fisscuck. Do you still support racist, white nationalist Trump? If not I'll take back my previous comment. If so, fuckoff dude! As Americans we should reject racism full stop. If Trump doesn't get reelected he gets indicted.
  14. Trump the traitor has trashed this country for years. As soon as he became president if you didn't support him and America he calls you unAmerican? Do you see the double standard. What's a Trump rally? A big crowd of white nationalist and Nazi's who get to enjoy hating people their leader tells them to hate.
  15. The nerve of Dumb Alfie to spazz because I used an incorrect job title for Trump and Trump Aides buddy, the known criminal George Nader. JK will you do something, Bigrunner has threatened me. -Dumb Alfie Kinger will you delete this post where Bigrunner uses an incorrect job title. -Dumb Alfie What a bitch she is!
  16. JK bigrunner has been threatened me and many others, do something.- Dumb Alfie Ilhan Omar married her brother. - Dumb Alfie That's as blatant of a lie as I've seen since: The black guys at Starbucks weren't arrested. - Dumb Alfie North Korea denuclearized. -Dumb Alfie Criminal George Nader secretly met with Jared Kushner, Don Jr, Mike Flynn, Steve Banning, Erik Prince. Call it what you what, George Nader was needs deep in Trump's efforts to make illegal secret deals with bad foreigners. George Nader is mentioned over 100 times in the Mueller Report. Dumb Alfie, Nader was aiding Trump! Dumb Alfie, Nader was aiding Trump! Dumb Alfie, Nader was Aiding Trump! Please don't tell JK I'm threatening you. https://themoscowproject.org/explainers/seychelles-uae-george-nader-michael-flynn-middle-east-marshall-plan/
  17. I'll take your word for it. But doesn't successor presidents from a different party reverse everything good the previous president did?
  18. Where's the good Jew Jimmy Hoffa? That's right it the Sabbath. He probably has his beanie on and is attacking refugees. Telling them America is full, go back to where you came from.
  19. Distorting the truth. You just won't give Obama credit. Monkey actually credited Bush for saving the auto industry and housing. Lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/davidkiley5/2016/01/20/obamas-takes-victory-lap-over-auto-industry-rescue/amp/
  20. And you know how people stay civil with each other. What's the saying? Let's not talk politics and religion. And it works except it leaves so many uninformed. Has its costs and benefits.
  21. Wrong. Billions in debt cancelations on mortgages which normally is taxable income. But mortgage debt forgiveness was tax free. Sweetass short sales and foreclosure deals. Fresh start programs. Refinance programs.
  22. Monkey=stupid coward. I support the illegitimate president because I'm a stupid American. It's my obligation as an American. I took an oath. - Monkey
  23. He is! He's a coward if he feels obligated to support an American president. What happened in North Carolina was unAmerican and if you support a president that held and led that Nazi rally it makes you unAmerican. A coward to feel obligated to support a president of your country. Maybe that's why Hitler did so much damage to his country and humanity. Unconditional support. Monkey = unconditional support of country's president. That doesn't make someone more American. It makes them stupid if you ask me.
  24. Why would I. Didn't Obama inherit a mess, a financial crisis? His deficit spending was for the good of America relatively speaking. He fixed the mess, saved the auto industry, bailed out home owners and the housing industry. Tripled the stock market and created more jobs than previous & future presidents. Trump inherits a good economy, a booming stock market but he creates a record deficit in order to fund hundreds of billions in annual tax gifts to the richest, and to fund his family vacations and golf outings. Monkey it's apples to oranges. Obama's deficit spending was healthy and rewarding. Trump's deficit spending is unhealthy and only rewarding to the Shelly Adelson and Trump types.
  25. I'm playing your game. The correct answer to White Nationalist is unAmerican. I amazed you need this explained to you. You're a cancer.
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