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Everything posted by RaiseThese

  1. Amazing you are still trying to deflect after posting an obvious lie. I said you either changed the mans quote or was quilty of shoddy reporting It was the latter. You DID copy a sensationlist headline and insta posted it as fact without even checking the original article But you know, I expect shitty posts by folks here, Just expected a tad more from you .
  2. So you see such an outlandish headline from a known garbage source and dont feel,,,,especially NOW....that you would take a second to verify if something so crazy was actually said. I mean just click the article they linked to its clear as day not what he said. But no you need some sensationalism to stoke the fires.
  3. Well okay further evidence that you just looking for "press releases" material for sensationalism. As you are now blaming Yahoo for blatantly changing the man's quote. An in true fashion doesnt apologize for either shoddy reporting or blantant falsification but Its my fault for being upset.that the mod here doesnt have higher standards of reporting. Okay Boat.
  4. The fuck you copied and pasted. Stop lying This is the actual article portion in question On your supposed quote of aricle you changed it to read Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum on Wednesday blasted one of his police department's top commanders after the officer denied there's systemic racism in law enforcement, then said African Americans "probably ought to be" shot more."
  5. Again taking shit out of context and changing his words is so dishonest "all the research says we’re shooting African Americans about 24% less than we ought to be based on the crimes being committed.” IS NOT THE SAME AS "African Americans "probably ought to be" shot more." I know you dont care about credibiity but that tactic is sooooo disingenuous and disgusting Have some level of honest reporting man. How does lying about what a man said help relationships?
  6. Boat cracks me up living in his whiter than white world and pretends he is some kind of an expert on the black communities and the real issues that face them. He thinks he is Aware of issues from reading and quoting shit from the super biased mass media. I used to work with radio stations and artists would come into town that people werent really that familiar with. So the artists would prepare press release type promo material for the DJ's The clueless DJ's were grateful to not have to do any research and the artists were grateful to have their accolades read EXACTLY as they wanted it. That is Boat,,,the clueless DJ/Forum mod responsible for driving traffic on topics he has little depth in. Ps I realize its a tough racket and you dont have to be/ pretend to be an expert on EVERYTHING under the sun.
  7. Clearly a racist comment. Surprised.
  8. Thanks I had to cut it off fell like I was listening to Tony Soprano climb stairs
  9. The media and politicians creating this shit storm of false information and narratives DONT GIVE A FUCK about their black minions doing the dirty work in the street. Reasonable Middle Class Americans are more concerned about equality and peace than these guys , yet those are the ones taking the brunt of racism bullying. Its all an effort to divide.
  10. Bullshit Maybe the majority want to end a high level of police brutality but there is WAYYY more going on here than equality for blacks.
  11. Right the insanity is that this is some 75 year old helpless guy. If he was that helpless man wouldnt be trying to fuck with the police in the the middle of a crowd control situation. The language tricks that are being used to make arguements is classic deflection. Surprised you didnt toss in Grandpa volunteer in there. I know that guys like Guesses dont care about the truth will say anything to be "right". Im the idiot that took him off ignore to read this post. It helps nobody when each side has to lie and exaggerate events. Can anyone be objective anymore?
  12. Anyone with a timestamp for the Brock part
  13. A guy in my neighborhood has a full size flag pole that flies a Half full logo Stars and Strips/ half full logo Confederate flag Keeping an eye on his house..... His family owns one of the more prominent plumbing companies in the area(no I dont live near Ted) Keeping an eye on his business...
  14. Brock is still taking on all comers in heads up action.....just not at the poker table He needs about 10 solid days to rebuild the bankroll....go get em Brockster!!
  15. Is this where those white people are getting out the pool when a black child gets in?
  16. Speaking about rubbers....how has the giggity action been lately
  17. NO RACE in our country for 450 years has been treated this way. The Indians(Natives) anyone. Other races have gotten super shoddy treatment as well though. Imagine TODAY staying a hotel a family of whites are in the pool, and when a black child enters, they frown, get out and leave showing signs of disgust. THAT HAPPENS EVERY DAY This only happens to black people? Imagine being a parent and having to explain to your child why if they are pulled over by the police they MUST DO THIS AND THAT, or their chances of being shot are real. Everyone should explain a certain protocol for kids to follow when police are involved.
  18. Lets not forget Dark skinned vs light skinned blacks as well
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