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Everything posted by RaiseThese

  1. ALL RACES DISCRIMINATE Against Each other. Whites on Blacks Blacks on Whites Blacks on Asians Asians on Blacks xxxxxx on xxxxxxxx
  2. Think about how black people treat each other They are gonna be real nice to you all and remember how you marched with them and protested with them and took downs flags and statues to not offend them. You know I was happy at first when Obama won in that I thought It would create more aspirations and hope in the black community. and that race relations would improve. LIke he was someone who proved hard work pays off.. But what I saw in the streets and in public was just more people acting like fools because hey we can now do what the fuck we want to., I go to a pretty nice gym but have to tolerate groups of blacks being loud and screaming nigg a this and nigg a that during the whole workout. Cant say shit but It bothers me because I dont talk that way and would be okay if no one used that version of the word or the r rated version either. How come I cant get some respect without being labeled a racist? And now when you cant even comment on people looting and destroying communities without being labeled racist. People losing jobs for commenting; shit is getting pretty extreme and Illogical. Its like a 180 degree turn on the times in history where are nonwhite person couldnt speak their mind without cost, it was stupid then and it is stupid now. But this has nothing to do with equal rights and fair treatment and everything about shutting up conservative viewpoints in the name of power. Im shocked how you supposedly smart people who are experts on EVERYTHING under the sun dont see this. You know why you cant because you are not there in the streets , you got a nice black guy that did your yard or the guy making your ribs has sweet kids. You dont even know the experience of dealing with the black community yet you speak as if you do. I think these are the comments that piss me off the most YOU DONT KNOW SHIT but pretend too. You buy into the false propaganda that the media is feeding you. Fuck yes there is racism ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE BOARD BY ALL RACES but there is no widespread organized agenda to propagate violence on some non white group...all the stats I read show nothing of the sort...yet comments on stats are racist or just mainly ignored. Black people as a whole are way more afraid of black people than nonblacks. And I as type my longest diatribe ever on TFG, even though most of the comments are related to race THAT is not even what is really going on right now. This is an ongoing organized effort and the perfect storm to further divide Americans. Sad thing that people wont see until many years down the road is that THEY are using disgruntled black people as pawns in the matter,
  3. An interesting and very long article about the confederate flag and certain southerners thoughts about it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/06/pride-and-prejudice-the-americans-who-fly-the-confederate-flag
  4. Video or either Mike or House not verified yet
  5. Moldy says fuck you...he just starts the topics with text and if you want more go find it on your own. PS Dont ask him for any links on where to buy cheap gym equipment....you can thank me later..
  6. Yeah but if you cant dunk you cant dunk No matter how short your opponent is
  7. Quality replicas are not cheap...how much are you looking to spend vs how much does the real item cost?(real question not rhetorical)
  8. I think a more accurate meme would read My haters would eat shit sandwiches if someone else said that they should.
  9. This thing is funnier today than when I first heard it way back when around 715 Chris talks how black people claim its the media that paints a certain way...his response is off the charts funny for most people and if you are tired,..tired....tired like he is at the time then it will be twice as funny.
  10. ONly Chris Rock has said this better
  11. That is like code for " You made a funny about me and its hurtful" If there was one guy I had to pick on this forum that wouldnt complain about jokes about him it was you. Figured you were cool with the jabbing ...I guess that was just when you punched harder right? No BS Though bro, If you ONLY want to tell the jokes then say so and I wont crack on you again,
  12. already had buckwheat. Had to take him down due to racism complaints Im having to post other white members of the gang to prove that I just really liked the little rascals Alfalfa had a rogue barber too but no one would cut me slack. OTAY!!!!
  13. Boat says fuck all the pigs and their star spangled blankets. Kneel bitches kneel
  14. Unlike your silly ass I dont care if Im relevant or not. Damn for a little mofo like you I guess 20lbs overweight is fat fuk territory. Guilty but working on it. I will probably get teary eyed at the next weight watchers meeting but since we are all wearing masks they cant tell. You seem awfully tilted for such a successful know if all lawyer. I mean If I was was that successful then why would I try to battle an irrelevant fat fuk clown chitty chat poster. But seriously Jackie ChowMein, If you dont want the jokes then just say so.....no shade :btj :btj
  15. i wish IAG were my loving aunt. "why you so sad Raise, rest your head on my bosom and tell Auntie IAG all about it"
  16. Oh brother.....aint nobody coming after your silly and dim sum ass Its forum jokes you weak ass cry baby If you want the same offer I made to Hoops then so be it. Say you don t want me to crack on you and I wlll stop..... No hard feelings ...This goes for everyone...I can joke on all or I can joke on none!!!!!
  17. Solid tip from a guy whose jerky is so salty that Hoops would eat if he missed a poker tournament.
  18. Also if there is a position for "forum agitator' then I apply. Let me know how many posts required and how much I get paid Any bonuses for REALLLLY getting under someones skin?
  19. that shit look more banged up than Hope Solos pussy
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