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Everything posted by RaiseThese

  1. RaiseThese

    NHL auction

    winnepeg 20 tampa 20
  2. That is weird , I saw a forum post yesterday of two black guys who were challenged to walk behind the Strat with a suitcase and not get mugged. They said things were going pretty well and no one bothered them until they saw this suspicious Mesican pointing a camera at them from across the street. They werent worried yet until said Mesican tried to make them comfortable by asking how us "brothers" were doing while walking even closer. They looked at each other and agreed to ignore the Mesican , haul ass, and never return to that area again.
  3. I think Kinger is referring to his packing skills not his picking skills. You would think a gambling forum that has the greatest gambler ever (fishhead), the greatest everything ever (wvu), and a top 2 boxing mind (kinger) would be able to attract more members. If by greatest gambler ever ,you mean running into traffic to pick up a nickle in the middle of the road then Fish is the man.
  4. I remember my biggest Oscar score in 2002. I had both Denzel and HalleBerry,I called it my naacp parlay. I remember the media crying about the brothers not getting awards(kinda like today) and figured that now was a good as time as any for it to happen. After all Denzel(Training Day) did end up being bested by whitey, first from his partner then from the Russian Mob and Halle Berry (monsters Ball) WAS getting banger by whitey. Limits were low ,like 50 to 100 max but I kept betting as odds went down and down. I think I averaged almost +275 on Denzel and roughly the same on Halle after both were from +300-+400 earlier on. It was funny because I worked with mostly brothers at the time and they said I was cray cray for making these bets, the same brothers who were happy to join me for free drinks after the win!! good times
  5. My eyeballs hurt from looking at all the fat, greasy ass, greedy mofos and their fat fuking kids with disgusting hands at Golden Corral. Have not been in over 5 years.
  6. Appreciate the effort!!!! I love this contest as me and couple buddies have a 10 year straight bowl/gambling trip run and having these extra sweats in the background adds to the fun. This year we a doing biloxi /neworleans , capping off with clem/bama game. So hopefully Bama is the game that puts me over the top in this contest. HAHA
  7. Funny, I beat you on our sidebet 2 years in a row and I didnt do jack diddley in the contest...hmmmmmmm Let me know if you wanna go for 3 in a row. 25 as before if you are down.
  8. Brock and and fudge have a lot in common He eats fudge He has fudge for brains He fudges on his height and his bills/financial situation He packs fudge Keep living the good life Brock, let your creditors eat cake(fudge of course)
  9. You may not be able to hear your voice but you can still look in the mirror and remind yourself of how awesome you are!!!
  10. Okay then I vote for traditional best bet like before, seems more strategic, especially since we wont even know who is playing in championship.
  11. Long term it is not a solution but it can be safely used to kickstart a long term commitment to getting in shape.
  12. Check out the RApid fat loss handbook by Lyle McDonald. He is well respected and the book Is very well regarded. Ill send you the pdf if this look like something you want to do. Its not a long term plan but its perfect to kickstart a serious commitment to getting in shape.
  13. Just a couple comments, not complaints. Do as you see fit. 1. As far as scoring goes you get half of your stars for a tie 2. The tiebreaker in the past is that we all designated a best bet and that was a. used to break ties b, if still tied and both parties won best best it was then who covered the spread by the greatest margin. What addy to send pp to?
  14. Yeah thats what im saying, hard to feel like you are losing even if you only go 1 or 2 times an month its okay. I once went 15 months without going to gym because it was only 9.99 a month..LOL Some planet fitness also have an annual or semi annual maintenance fee on top of the $10. Check for that but otherwise seems like a no brainer if you want to get lose some LBS.
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