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Everything posted by KiDbaZkiT

  1. Beautiful town? You think I would go somewhere to gamble cuz it's Beautiful? Every sportsbook in Nevada is essentially the same thing once inside and that's all that matters.They are redoing the sportsbook in the Rainbow out there, from the looks so far I cannot believe something like that is in Wendover. It's legal wagering I can drive or take a "fun bus" to. Period end of story. Offshore is too chicken shit to be straight with guys like e or I would sit on my fukkin couch take Bong rips and bet. You think I enjoy commuting out there? If I wanted beautful scenery I can walk outside.
  2. If only your wife would let you roll like that you would. What is wrong with new shoes? Not about chicks for me. Just love lookin at my fukkin self sometimes.
  3. Not trying to impress a bunch of fat fukks. Cuz you pick on Brock like one of the crowd your cool or something? 10$ ticket bro. End of story.
  4. Quote 1 post where I insinuated I was a tough guy. Just one.
  5. Really liking me some Deem today.
  6. Diabler goes to Laughlin and tried to rip on wendover. Unfukking beleivable.
  7. Nobody in here looks better in a dress shirt and tie than me. When I would go to court ALL the ladies would be eye balling me.
  8. "Sophmoric comeback" You posted a fukkin 10$ ticket like your hard!! Going out of your way to post a ticket that pays a $100 is about as high school as it gets.
  9. Last time I saw one of my high school buddies he went "Russell!!! You white African American !! Wtf are you doing"
  10. No Mormon. Latter Day Saints. Don't take that as an insult either. They are really good people who know what clean living is.
  11. As long as he's shoving his tongue up creampie1988's ass in sure they are treating him fine. Especially since they have no good fades over there anymore.
  12. Deemer, those baseball selections look worse than Brock Landers card today.
  13. Yea you don't got shit to Come back with, SKIPPY. Hopefully Landers plays' wilk hook you up with some nail trimmers.
  14. Your an idiot. Bangers often wear plain white shirts with Khakis when their gang is getting heat from the cops. Last summer some young idiots by me kept getting harassed by the cops cuz they were always wearing blood affiliated shit so they started wearing the outfit you described so cops cant immediately identify who they are or if they are bangimg for a particular set.
  15. Again it's not how much. It's that you talked shit after when you got nothing out of it. Ashtray money. From your posts you think $100 is significant. You can't even clip your nails and your avatar says "like a boss" with a fat cholo on it, and your posting 10$ tickets. I'm sure you got hammered in the casino for way more yesterday. Your dumb ass prob plays slots and blackjack huh?
  16. Going after a guys mom just cuz he's annoying? Classless.
  17. Are you guys that ignorant or did u just not read everything from last night? Nobody is ripping on a guy for betting 10$ Think it is the pussiest thing I have ever seen, a grown man, calling another grown man "Skippy" and talking down to him like a dog then posts a ticket of a 10$ bet that is going to pay a MEASELY 100$ like he is crushing it. That's just PITIFUL. Ooooooo u bet 10 bones? Oooooooooooooooo your so deadly with your fades. COCK Landers has to rock an 0-4 for sol to come up 100$ off Brocks bad bets? Oh wow. Epic. Should ststt calling guy the Punisher instead of Diabs. Btw diabs u should clip that thumbnail in that pic. Look like a scumbag hippie thumb.
  18. Serious. its always either buffalo chicken or shrimp. Must get so fukkin old it's incredible.
  19. How could any one pass up the oppourtunity to give you a noogie?
  20. Bro I don't even have facebook. Wouldn't fukk with it in a million years.
  21. Lol. You have any idea how much you have to win before they have you fill out a tax form? Irs doesn't give a shit about the guy that places his bets inside a sportsbook.
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