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Everything posted by Roach23

  1. What's good, house?
  2. In Philly this weekend. Brought the kids down to hang with their grandparents.
  3. Lets meet for tacos when I'm in AZ for work, amigo.
  4. I'm doing well. Yea same spot. I can't complain.
  5. What's up fw? How ya been, brother?
  6. Eagles baby!! I'm back!!
  7. JBD! Coming your way at the end of the month. Let's put a couple back again.
  8. My return is not looking promising. I need Eagles big.
  9. hahaha exactly. i went looking for that mexican place and it was some new shit.
  10. gotta keep up with the technology, bro
  11. I'm back! Bookie gave me $500 in free play money after i've taken a long hiatus. The juices are flowing and i'm betting on all kinds of insane bullshit. I guess I'll be checking in with my degen friends until I blow my kids' college fund $$$. What's new? Shrink still dead? Whale still in jail? Teddy still drunk?
  12. Dumb take. Em killed everybody on his new album. KGB >> What's up brother....haven't responded to my texts since you got me permabanned from EOG. New #?
  13. Had a BBQ with the fam (regular, not Shrink style)
  14. Gyne...at what price are we selling this winner?
  15. Gyne should quit professional gambling and become a day trader
  16. Wilheim is not the head mod of therx anymore? Thought that loser would be there forever.
  17. Originally banned for the "Post offensive pics here" thread in the RR (which was deleted, and fucnluc deserved to be banned for the posts in that thread, not me). Subsequent bans were for fucking with Journeyman and/or Wilheim. Both old pussies who were way too sensitive about online posting.
  18. Had beers with JBD tonight He was laughing at what total rubes you nerds are. He went to FedEx and filled that form out to fool you.
  19. Yea man. By the time I fully woke up it was over. Definitely saw shit shaking like crazy when it happened though.
  20. Roach23

    Joey Donuts

    JBD tried to send you a pm, but I can't. Is your inbox full? Let's grab some beers. No gay bars. I only go to those with kgb
  21. I'm in for a forum poster death pool.
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