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Everything posted by MonkeyF0cker

  1. I'll never understand how someone can have 10k posts on a gambling forum and be so clueless about gambling.
  2. He's obviously planning on betting a flat $200/game from his $3k bankroll.
  3. Says the guy that just said $50k was "grilled cheese money." You're obviously not going to listen to people who have actually done what you're trying to do. So, good luck. You'll get no more advice from me.
  4. It certainly is appropriate. You're trying to play the system. As I said earlier, if you're worried about a few hundred dollars a month in rent/expenses, you should stay where you are. You truly have no idea what you're doing if that's a major concern.
  5. I'm sure you do. Pointless thread. Might as well collect food stamps and panhandle on the bridges on top of it...
  6. Do whatever you want. Like I said... absolutely no point in starting this thread. You have all the answers already. If you think the IRS isn't all over the casinos here, you'll get what you're asking for.
  7. Because you can't bet on the election?
  8. I don't understand threads like this. The guy already has all the answers obviously. Absolutely no need for input from others. Enjoy your diner job.
  9. The bottom line is... don't do it if you can't afford it. If a couple of hundred dollars a month in nut is going to make or break you, you're going broke anyway.
  10. You think the IRS isn't gonna come knocking if you're a winning player and don't claim anything regardless? Get a tax accountant.
  11. Get clean. Stay sober. Move on. I was in a situation like that for a while and the drugs cloud your judgment. You're trying to make something work that never will and if you actually end up getting it, you won't want it anyway. You're getting played. It's all a head game. Clear your head and you'll see the light.
  12. Where are these odds pulled from, KR? 5 Dimes?
  13. Teddy's a good boy. He just does as he's told.
  14. Hi, FH. I still technically live here, but I've been traveling a lot lately.
  15. Not all of us can aspire to be plumbers. I'm voting for Gary Johnson who is far to the right of Donald Trump. So there's that.
  16. Hey, rito. Not much, man. How's everything?
  17. So much division in this country perpetuated by idiot sheep on both sides. Align yourself with one side and blame the other. Look the other way or try to find some ridiculous justification when your side is at fault. Go ahead... stay divided and continue to in-fight like the politicians want you to. That's how the wool is pulled over your eyes. But don't you dare complain when the country is fully fucked because you've helped it happen. Be an American. Not a conservative or liberal.
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