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mr vegas

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Everything posted by mr vegas

  1. we have had battles, but i will give you props as the best monday morn qb in history............ what a sad existence.......
  2. In particular, a USA Today fact-check recently confirmed that the Obama administration had allowed the N95 mask stockpile to deplete following a series of crises, and apparently ignored calls for experts to renew the stockpile. President Trump repeatedly has blamed his predecessor for the shortage as well, although he also apparently took no efforts to replenish the materials.
  3. was there ever any mention of cancelling the super bowl because of the virus.........
  4. fauci changes his stance almost daily. do any of the doctors really even know the way to treat the sick.....
  5. when are those hospital ships arriving. rachel say's never......
  6. rachel is the only voice of reason........
  7. President Trump points out that he was called ‘Xenophobic’ by Joe Biden and ‘Racist’ by Democrats for restricting travel with China back in January.
  8. rachel maddow said the hospital ships will never come. if they do, it would be months away.........lol
  9. i left there 78 to miami beach...aquinas is where? best st louis style pizza is where?
  10. used to. born and raised there. parkway central high,then mizzu
  11. eat some gooey butter cake and symptoms will go away......
  12. despite the big numbers of infected in the usa, is the mortality rate the lowest in the world ?
  13. cant wait for a trump/biden debate.......talk about ugly
  14. 4 more years of trump could we put you on suicide watch......
  15. you're a sick man. eat 2 matzah balls and call stormy in the morning...
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