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Everything posted by rito

  1. Good year for Brock, can't lose 50k like normal.
  2. Double for me but guess I get no cut like normal
  3. Time to just blow it all up and start over.
  4. Order from a few places, this was a ranch right down the street from where I'm staying this week. Also get a lot from Costco. I'd like to try a pellet grill but think I have all many grills as it is.
  5. 40 min at 275 in oven then on the grill for about 1min each side.
  6. Anyone considering voting Biden (or betting) should remember you are on this losers side.
  7. It sucks. It's just a challenge to Democrats to take him to court (which has already started).
  8. Can you imagine how disgusting Landers mask must be after 15 Uber eats delivery with 3 restaurant stops in a day.
  9. The virus is real. I do not want to get it. It would likely be mild, but who knows I do have prexisting conditions. I don't want to find out. I definitely don't want my 73 year old father to get it. But, we are staying at his house now. I think people need to be responsible but not stupid. There is no need to shut businesses or schools, just take precautions and protect the vulnerable. The virus has its own dynamics and will have to run its course.
  10. Ok, so Merlin's a fucktard and will probably get covid at some point. But, my point is I see all these libtards living their life like before only with a paper cloth on their mouth like that will save you.
  11. I haven't worn a mask in two weeks boat, but I also haven't been within 15 feet of anyone not in my family.
  12. Who is more likely to catch/spread covid, Brock with his cloth mask traveling the whole country, delivering food, taxiing around strangers, eating at 27 restaurants a week. Or sleepy or Merlin who have no contact with people all week and probably go to grocery store unmasked once a week.
  13. Socialism for the poor. Corporate socialism for the rich. And fucj you in the ass taxes for the self employed, business owners, etc.
  14. I know you can only speak in meme but don't you think this is a personal decision? My parents have no problem spending time with their grandaughter and want her to go to school. Others may not.
  15. Losers your cholesterol which causes brain damage which may explain how you manage to lose every bet you ever make.
  16. You take a statin do you not? Causes all sorts of problems.
  17. That's why your an obese midget on multiple dangerous prescriptions that won't live past 65.
  18. It's gonna be over well before the election for the sane portion of the country.
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