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Everything posted by rito

  1. rito


    Yes. How about lunch without the wives.
  2. rito


    Soccer games with no fans have been about 1/2 the normal hfa
  3. Many presidents (say Clinton and Obama) were not wealthy before being President. Only after. That should not be allowed.
  4. They are always getting the best of it on that cash out bs. But if it's say a future or something you stand to win a lot on can be useful. I wouldn't ever use it though
  5. Nice nice. I bet the other fucktards
  6. Bet some rapids +.25 -115 tonight in mls
  7. Lost 15k on some shitty french team that folded faster than their army does.
  8. Still confused is gaming gambling or actual gaming?
  9. How much effort would it take for you to type your posts instead of dictating them so they would be understandable. I know you aren't dumb. I'm sure you know to write.
  10. 5-10m is my goal but that's to retire real young and probably won't happen so say 3
  11. Move the new forum down on the list it's fucking annoying. Click on it by accident every time.
  12. Can you move this shit out of the way so I stop clicking ok it
  13. Would take him a year to read all that.
  14. You are a bankrupt (morally and asset wise) 50yr old Uber eats driver that lives in the ghetto.
  15. Would you consider only posting (mumbling) on the new sub forum?
  16. Only thing tailspining if Trump loses is America.
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