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Everything posted by HurryUpAndDrink

  1. LMAO "One of the guys" What kind of sane person would want to form part of your forum or your clique? Are you totally insane and delusional? I'm just glad the truth is in the open now motherfucker Pray to God I never find your address or real name... Heading over to peeps to see if someone wants to assist in that Cya, loser
  2. Yeeeea, gonna get myself a job as a TGF moderator LMAO fuckin mutt not American, not Mexican a man with no God and no country will always be a sellout
  3. Ah, so you are back as a moderator lol No wonder you are posting again... fuckin hypocrite Yep, this place has ZERO value now
  4. Loves some Israeli occupation and genocide against Palestinians BASED
  5. Well, at this point you are all assuming XYZ and I have an agreement.
  6. If Dopey or me would get a hold of your neck it would snap like a little twig
  7. "pal" hypocrisy in full display here being super kind and friendly with the biggest scammer in the gambling world just cause he is a libtard like you never change WVU
  8. Nah, this cesspool runs on hate and low blows, which explains why is the perfect ecosystem for bastard hypocrite cowards like you, At this point you are only a sad troll. Trolling politics, trolling people's families, and burying the forum with loser bets... You would rather see the world burn as long as gives you "platty" material... You are a testosterone defficient bimbo.
  9. It sucks we have come to this point, agree I've stated my conditions. They won't be met. End of story.
  10. Im not trying to justify anything I set the conditions for a happy ending The ball is in someone else's court. Not mine.
  11. I'm already treated like Landers pal
  12. IAG, I have it, I have the funds, and in January I'm getting a 50% raise Could pay 3 times the amount owed in 1 week then. Yes, things have been tight since I moved here but I can still pay it, will just mean not going out with the wife for a week. On that note, yes u listened to a podcast that was recorded before 2022 is my guess. My forum legacy is being falsely accused of pedophilia, as Hoffa allows, being accused of sleeping with prostitutes while married, messages that my wife got... as Hoffa allows And now the childish photoshops...
  13. Messages have been posted for my wife to see on my work social media, people from here I think the maximum disrespect is already done, and was done before this even happened... What else can be done to me that hasnt already been done? I do know the right thing is to pay back the good man but my will to do so has gone from 100 to zero in 12 hours... Could have been different
  14. we do know he hates hypocrites, and u are the biggest one here, after Brock and Teddy of course
  15. lol, this is why you came back to disrupt the place, congrats piece of racoon shit
  16. well, was there ever a need to escalate to this when I had already said I was indeed paying? the massive disrespect started soon after I stated I was sending today... so, by that I can only gather it will only get worse after I do patterns
  17. Its in Hoffa's hands now. The jew has the control as he wanted.
  18. If he was a pedophile or a murderor he would be ok with it.
  19. Just like my wife's honor is being held hostage for this. Ain't gonna fly anymore MF. She HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, and yet, she's been the focus of the lib degenerates here.
  20. Sorry pal, but I've stated clearly what needs to be done for that to happen. Otherwise this place has officially become a cesspool and has no value for me at all. Hence, no value in paying anymore.
  21. I know, and I will take my chances with God Was it so hard to enforce the rules and prevent this clown show? Nah, double standard Hoffa can admin his shit site as he wants But in my opinion, he made a mistake here.
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