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Everything posted by dogball

  1. Don’t blame you , I wouldn’t want to either . Mines a crisis so I have no choice but waiting years is a mistake. The hole gets bigger , more tissue comes out , surgery becomes more complicated. Small ones are easy to fix.
  2. No, youve added nothing of substance to the subject. Actually sound ridiculous while I’m an unfortunate expert on this and the perils of procrastination. He can wait a month or two but it’s a gamble
  3. i almost never have pain, mine is huge , I’ve had ct scan with contrast. That’s your intestine in your balls, think about that . It’s uncomfortable not painful and difficult to exercise. no alcohol . Big shit. Meaningless
  4. I’ve had mine 5 years. I’m gonna tell you straight up you need to address this. It will only get worse over time. it’s a time bomb and nothing can help it but surgery. my dr tried to do surgery laparoscopically , four hours under anesthesia total waste. I was scheduled at Columbia hernia center for open surgery I’m march but Covid happened now I gotta wait. theres no helping you other then surgery and limited exercise. I was scared and stupid to let it linger. Larger it gets more difficult repair becomes
  5. I see above left testicles. Same here. Mine is large. Is it painful ? You want to make sure it doesn’t get strangulated. You would know. Does it ever retract out of testicles or is it Permanently incarcerated
  6. Yes I had surgery in February. Know way to much about them. Where is yours ?
  7. spread all over the five boroughs and now rampaging Nassau and Suffolk county
  8. Hown do you arrive at that conclusion ? Innocent people Deserve to die alone horrific deaths? NYC wont be collapsing anytime soon if the numbers stay in this trajectory.
  9. MTA paying 500,000 death benefit to workers who died from Covid -19 I am not wise enough to trace blame and it doesn’t really matter , all I can say is NY is in an unimaginable place, straight out of the walking dead . I can’t believe this living nightmare is real. Looking at the packed subway pictures is confusing how this can be allowed. The last few days the city feels slightly improved but I’m pretty certain no other city has experienced anything like this level of chaos and obviously fatalities.
  10. Facts. I think he has another one on order even now
  11. Roger that , nice radio voice and offers zero but 45% win rate.
  12. I don’t know much about boat boat , can we get a summary. You banned from eog why ? you a boss here and seem very level headed great line above
  13. NOT the owner according to him.
  14. Stay away. Repeat , stay the hell away. You out working through all this to piss your money away for bonus money you will never come close to collecting. On top of it numerous people point this out to you and it’s ignored. be safe. Wait for sports to return. I’ll set you up at fanduel and you will be taken care of
  15. Can you elaborate please. You mean as a wholesaler or consumer. I think food is your business, what do you see for the supply chain in the coming months. Why are you getting 1/2 of what you order. Demand, workforce, thanks
  16. Mold, save your money . Wait until sports opens up. 50x rollover absurd, playing casino games online silly, you don’t need a fix , that 957 will disappear quickly. Work hard, stay safe, increase your bankroll for when professional sports come back .
  17. What does JK make a month
  18. Are Mask acceptable or Face-covers?
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