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Johnny Utah

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Everything posted by Johnny Utah

  1. The absolute shit food some of you people eat honestly disgusts me There are literally dogs who eat better than some posters here
  2. Guys, we can move on. I answered OP’s question with my post quoted above. This thread is over. Have a great night.
  3. This post is a clear violation of the TGF code of conduct, you said the “c” word My understanding is Paddy is now subject to, at the very least, a one week suspension
  4. Espercially since I’ve been living/eating super healthy and working out, that food just looks fuckin gross. So fucking happy I don’t eat shit like this anymore, just looks repulsive These days, when I want to treat myself to a tasty lunch, I just go to in-n-out burger. You know the meat and everything is super fresh and good quality, fresh tomatoes and lettuce, onions, etc. Yeah the bread and cheese is unhealthy but its a lot better than the shit posted above. If you skip the fries and limit the burger to once/week or once/two weeks, no problem. You couldn’t pay me to eat shit like what’s p[osted above
  5. That food looks so disgusting I don’t even like looking at it
  6. I always give my honest opinion, good or bad, regardless of what the peanut gallery here says That food looks absolutely disgusting, Axl. Absolutely disgusting.
  7. Yeah, no. He’s definitely guilty as fuck and not innocent. Looks like Chicago prosecutors are simply too busy dealing with the plethora of gangland murders and rapes that happen everyday there and didnt want to waste their time with this liberal snowflake. The authorities stand by the accusations, the two black brothers maintain they were paid by smallet, and authorities demanded he forfeit his $10,000 bond. In exchange, they are just gonna let him go and move on BOTTOM LINE: He 100% he paid those two black brothers to fake the attack, he paid a $10,000 fine and then authorities decided to leave it at that. Period.
  8. Just another miserable libtard infected with inoperable, terminal TDS Go stuff another pizza down your fat face you obese loser! KEEP AMERICA GREAT 2020
  9. Canada is for born losers lol Canada lol Gotta be kidding me Can’t be serious Canada lololololololol
  10. Interviewed Sarah huckabee sanders and tried to force her to say that...get this...Trump owes Mueller an apology These people with trump derangement syndrome have no chance at survival, its terminal. They hate trump so much and are so personally humiliated by his 2016 victory that it just doesn’t matter to them anymore, the guy could invent a pill that instantly cures any disease and they would still hate him The funny thing is, DJT is 95% going to win reelection in 2020...these people won’t be able to make it for another 6 years, they are unhinged and its barely 2 years in
  11. Runner, give it up. It’s over. You lost.
  12. Rough Monday morning for avenatti. Might throw a wrench into his whole “im taking down trump and running for president” thing Just a guess
  13. Case in CA involves fraudulent banks loans, wire transfers and mail fraud This man is going to jail
  14. BREAKING NEWS: Avenatti charged minutes ago in a SEPARATE federal case by authorities in California...details to come...
  15. “Avenatti was arrested early this morning and is currently in custody of federal agents in New York”- CNN When keeping it real goes wrong. Ruh roh
  16. Guy thought he could shake down one of the biggest, richest, most powerful publicly traded companies on earth Yeah ok creepy porn lawyer lol
  17. DOJ holding a news conference in 10 minutes. CNN. This guy is absolutely fucked
  18. And how about the creepy pawn lawyers presidential campaign, hows that going? LOLOLOLOLOL Seriously, how can any logical person take the democrats seriously?
  19. Dems have had a rough time the last 24 hours Mueller report completely exonerates trump, now the creepy porn lawyer looking at serious jail time if charges are true. And by the way, how is the creepy porn lawyers lawsuit against the president going? Oh yea, it was just thrown out by the judge lol #trumpkeepsowningthelibs
  20. Fuckin clown tried to shake down Nike for $20M or else he threatened to expose they paid zion LOL Didn’t work out
  21. This guy is such a fucking scumbag...and to think for almost the last 2 years every democrat in the country couldn’t stop jerking off to this guy on tv...you all are pathetic https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/michael-avenatti-charged/index.html
  22. Harris English (+101) vs Ryan Armour $500 to win $505 I’m off to play golf and will be following the final round on my phone, I’ll be back for my nut powdering from your women later today Suck it, TGF https://nitrogensports.eu/betslip/2edb00bSVB4Q0NIOU9HZTAwVFp0SVFjMFhHUT09/r/257884/
  23. $245 to win $296 Peasants of TGF, go fetch those tramp wives of yours and inform them that King Utah will be prepared and waiting to have his royal sack powdered at approx 9:15pm PST. They better not be late, King Utah doesn’t like to be kept waiting https://nitrogensports.eu/betslip/f7314f1cXZzNmd0dG1uZVMraGN2dXNLQmMrdz09/r/257884/
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