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Johnny Utah

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Everything posted by Johnny Utah

  1. You’ve never owned an apple device before kinger ...do you even have an Apple ID? It’s central to everything you do. I’m trying to determine if this guy is serious, or if this is a joke for content. Part of me cant take this seriously.
  2. Operating apple devices are among the easiest things humans can do. They are the slickest, easiest, most advanced devices on earth. You have to be fuckin kidding me, kinger. I mean Jesus fucking Christ, are u serious?
  3. Derrrrrrrr, ok lil Emily you fuckin freak
  4. Housepicks steak looks disgusting Guy bragging about undercooked shitty disgusting steaks from costco lol, cant make this shit up My dinner tonight? Chargrilled salmon and grilled asparagus and vegetables from Whole Foods. Healthy, tasty, perfect. Get on my fucking level, Housepicks. You poser fraud, you -Johnny
  5. Emily, you just make shit up in your head lol, you really need to get outside more or pick up a new hobby I won like 7 hundo last night and am up close to 8 g’s this year and its not even the end of march. You’re a very confused little girl, Emily
  6. Thanks pal, you’re one of the few willing to acknowledge the obvious facts. But deep down, all the haters and losers know I win at a hot, profitable clip One thing though, JT. I’m Johnny. I don’t know who Henry is.
  7. Huh? What are you even talking about? You make no sense, you midwestern inbred hick Never has a rec bettor tried so hard to come off as a “pro” as much as Emily does
  8. $243 to win $130 Denizens of TGF, go fetch your women and tell them Utah’s nuts will be ready for licking and powdering in roughly 2.5 hours from now once Nova comes out victorious. Thanks. https://nitrogensports.eu/betslip/af2c957TTBXNWFoNWR5bExucVlSL3VTTkdrQT09/r/257884/
  9. Here we go More cuck, libtard shaming of our own country. Fuckin’ hate people like you
  10. No, no other developed nations will follow. It’s an absurd, over the top reaction from a woman leader. Not to mention unsafe and stupid. You’re a total moron. Stop stuffing your face with pizza all day, the cheese and bread and ragu sauce is infiltrating your brain and effecting your cognitive thinking skills
  11. Kinger/Yanks, stop messing with my posts please, I’m literally not breaking any rules, I respect going in a new direction but editing/deleting my posts for literally no reason is BS, thanks
  12. Why are my posts being constantly edited despite no insults, swearing or racism? What the fuck?
  13. Honestly guys, anyone who has trouble operating apple devices just isn’t very bright...they are full blown retard proof and the easiest things ever to use, that’s why I like them lol You serious brah?
  14. Glad to see you’ve wisened up Now go get an iPhone XR and iPad Pro. And if you want to get in great shape like me, get an Apple Watch while your at it
  15. Apple, by far, the most superior technology company in the history of this earth Nice purchase, kinger
  16. Don’t worry about that Just concentrate on not eating pizzas by the box, shedding a few pounds and getting a fuckin razor. Start there and then let’s talk.
  17. Jake the Snake, who’s hank?
  18. You are a morbidly obese pizza fucker, parents tell their kids to stay away from you and for good reason
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