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What is wrong with this country?


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Ebola is another Sars, h1n1, etc whoreshit scare tactics.


I had people telling me at work to start driving to the office which would effectively double my daily commute time bc of the chance someone is carrying Ebola. They were dead serious and got offended when I fell on the floor laughing



Check out the peeps place thread on Ebola, they are all convinced 100k people will die the usa (and that it was all intentional by Obama). Still waiting on that first death.

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It's difficult to sort through the mess of information. Doubly so when people are paid to spread misinformation for whatever party it serves. Nobody still knows why colony collapse occurs in bee populations but there's lots of speculation that it's from Neurotoxin pesticides or harmful GMO proteins in crops. I have no idea if the claims are true or not. Nobody else does either for that matter. I've noticed that chipmunks in my area have gone instinct. 10 or so years ago they were numerous because I live in a forested area but a park run by my government sprayed trees to save them from wood eating beetles and it killed them all off because the acorns chipmunks subsisted on were contaminated by the pesticides. I'm sure that the same thing happens elsewhere for many different reasons as well. Humans have too short a timeline for a species to consider cause and effect.


Personally all I know is that corn tastes significantly different than it did when I was growing up. The hulls of commercial corn kernals are thicker containing less water and it tastes much sweeter. Not a combination I particularly enjoy. Maybe some of it can be attributed to the degradation of my tastebuds as I age but every so often when i'm eating with other people I ask them if they've noticed the tastes of various foods changing in the past 20 or so years and surprisingly enough the common response from people is that food has gotten worst.


Again maybe attributable to the aging process but I'm not so certain. All i know is processed food/agricultural production always scales to the cheapest ingredients/method. You get less food now and it tastes worst or you pay a large premium. I don't trust the organic label in supermarkets either because it seems to have been perverted into yet another marketing gimmick with really no accountability for violating established policies on labelling. The only food that tastes "good" to me anymore is grown from seed organically by hand to ensure a minimum of contamination which is so impractical for the vast majority of people (me included).



taste buds do change, and if you start eating healthier you notice certain foods tasting different. so probably a little of both. i still eat a bunch of sweets, but stuff like reese's peanut butter cups just taste like chemicals to me now...


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GMO's are banned in over 30 countries around the world with more added each year. Monsanto is outright lying to you about how harmful it is and the government is on board. Shocker right? LOL. Just like with aspartame and so many other things they lied to you about. Manufacture an illness that affects millions, create a drug to help cure it. Its good business a few at the very top.


Even Monsanto scientists won't let the own families drink milk from cows pumped with growth hormones. But its OK to poison Americans. Money baby! Its always about money. Let's grow a plant with a build-in poison so when the bugs eat it, their stomachs explode and they obviously die. Then lets sell that plant to the public for consumption. Great idea! Ya there's nothing that can possibly go wrong there.

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GMO's are banned in over 30 countries around the world with more added each year. Monsanto is outright lying to you about how harmful it is and the government is on board. Shocker right? LOL. Just like with aspartame and so many other things they lied to you about. Manufacture an illness that affects millions, create a drug to help cure it. Its good business a few at the very top.


Even Monsanto scientists won't let the own families drink milk from cows pumped with growth hormones. But its OK to poison Americans. Money baby! Its always about money. Let's grow a plant with a build-in poison so when the bugs eat it, their stomachs explode and they obviously die. Then lets sell that plant to the public for consumption. Great idea! Ya there's nothing that can possibly go wrong there.


...and the USA is the number one producer of corn in the world......and allows it.

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...and the USA is the number one producer of corn in the world......and allows it.

disgusting isn't it? Money man. That's all it is.


Read about aspartame and how it came to be if you get a chance. http://www.rense.com/general33/legal.htm


How the FDA banned it a few times at first saying that its dangerous for humans to consume and then pressured into approving it. I mean, how many times does someone have to tell you its poison and then saying "ahhh its actually ok" LOL. Monsanto (the world's largest producer of GMO seeds) invented it.


Aspartame: By Far the Most Dangerous Substance Added to Most Foods Today




A new poll names Monsanto as the world's "most evil corporation"



12. GMOs

What is it? – This certainly requires no explanation and it’s widely known that Monsanto is at the foundation of it. In the early 1990’s, Monsanto began their initiatives that still continue to this day under the belief that they help “feed the world.†Why is it bad? – As I did with aspartame, I will instead give you a series of articles to look at rather than delve into the depths of what make GMOs bad:

  1. 5 Myths That GMO Companies Want You To Believe
  2. 10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Can Be Harmful To Human Health
  3. New Study Links GMOs To Cancer, Liver/Kidney Damage & Severe Hormonal Disruption

Where is it being used? – GMOs are prevalent in many crops but most notably in sugar beets, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, golden rice, soybeans, salmon and animal feeds.



Hey, if it walks like a Duck .....

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You're missing the big picture with GMO's.....and comparing a artificial sweetener to GMO's has zero relevance.

its made by the same company is the point. Why is that company being protected by the federal government? Money baby!




President Barack Obama signed a spending bill, HR 933, into law that includes language that has food and consumer advocates and organic farmers up in arms over their contention that the so-called "Monsanto Protection Act" is a giveaway to corporations that was passed under the cover of darkness.


1.) The "Monsanto Protection Act" effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of controversial genetically modified (aka GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) seeds, no matter what health issues may arise concerning GMOs in the future. The advent of genetically modified seeds -- which has been driven by the massive Monsanto Company -- and their exploding use in farms across America came on fast and has proved a huge boon for Monsanto's profits.




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