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Won a poker package a few years ago to Guayaquil Ecuador. Never went because of the travel to get there .. Sold it . Didn't look to safe back then 


A live television broadcast in Ecuador was interrupted by hooded and armed men on Tuesday as the Guayaquil-based network was on air amid a spate of kidnappings and violence in the country after the president declared a state of emergency.

The hooded men forced the staff onto the floor of the studio as shots and yelling were heard in the background, social media video showed of the incident that took place at the state-owned TC Television. Its live stream signal is currently down.

The National Police of Ecuador said on X, formerly known as Twitter, that “specialized units” have responded to the emergency at the media station.

The country has been rocked by several explosions, police kidnappings, and prison disturbances just hours after President Daniel Noboa declared a nationwide state of emergency on Monday after high-profile gang leader Adolfo “Fito” Macias escaped from a prison in Guayaquil.

Since Noboa’s announcement, at least seven police agents have been kidnapped in three different cities, according to a post on X by the National Police.

The spiraling violence will be a test for the new president, who won last year’s run-off vote with promises to tackle soaring crime.

The country’s worsening security situation is largely driven by rival criminal organizations, which have been meting out brutal and often public shows of violence in the country’s streets and prisons in their battle to control drug trafficking routes.

In one of the kidnappings this week, in which three agents were taken, an explosive device had been “placed and detonated” in a vehicle the officers were moving in, police said.

In Esmeraldas, in the northwest of the country, two vehicles were set on fire with one causing a blaze at a gas station.

In the capital Quito, the police found a burned vehicle with traces of gas cylinders inside. Residents reported on social media that they had heard a loud explosion in the area.

Police also said they had received reports of an explosion at a pedestrian bridge outside Quito and attended “over 20 emergencies during (Monday) evening and overnight (Tuesday) in different parts of the country. There are currently no known casualties related to the explosions.

Prison chaos

Ecuador’s penitentiary service, the SNAI, said that at least six incidents took place inside prison facilities Monday, including disturbances and retention of penitentiary agents. This situation in the prisons, they say, has not been controlled.

Meanwhile, another alleged gang leader, Fabricio Colon Pico, escaped from a prison in Riobamba in the last few hours, according to the city’s mayor Jhon Vinueza.

Colon Pico had been captured last Friday after being publicly identified by Ecuador’s Attorney General Diana Salazar as being part of a plan to attack her. Along with Colon Pico, 38 other inmates escaped, of which 12 have been recaptured, the SNAI told CNN.

Soldiers are deployed in downtown Quito on January 9, 2024, a day after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency. - Rodrigo Buendia/AFP/Getty Images
Soldiers are deployed in downtown Quito on January 9, 2024, a day after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency. - Rodrigo Buendia/AFP/Getty Images

Ecuador’s Armed Forces said they carried out control operations Monday night and early Tuesday in the most conflict-ridden areas.

On the political side, Ecuador’s National Assembly is holding an emergency meeting to “generate concrete actions in face of the national commotion and multiple acts that threaten public peace.”

The search for Adolfo Macias, more popularly known by his alias “Fito,” continued as more than 3,000 police officers and members of the armed forces have been deployed to find him, the government said on Sunday. Ecuador authorities said they have not yet pinpointed the exact time and date that Macias escaped prison.

Macías is the leader of Los Choneros, one of Ecuador’s most feared gangs, which has been linked to maritime drug trafficking to Mexico and the US in coordination with Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel and the Oliver Sinisterra Front in Colombia, according to the Insight Crime research center.

He was jailed after being convicted of drug trafficking. Before his assassination, the late Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio said in July that he had been threatened by Macías and warned against continuing with his campaign against gang violence for the leadership.

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They travel through Colombia to Panama, and from there to the USA. Along with citizens fleeing crime, many seasoned Ecuadorian criminals are also traveling to the states. All this will only worsen the situation in the United States.

But Ecuador was once a safe country and a mecca for emigrants/relocants. 

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In December 2023, Ecuador changed its president. Now it is ruled by Daniel Noboa, a boy born in 1987, a classic representative of the pro-American oligarchy in LA:

A graduate of New York University and Harvard , he belongs to a dynasty of multimillionaire businessmen who own a giant banana export company.
The new president's father, Alvaro Noboa, is the richest man in Ecuador and has himself unsuccessfully run for office five times.
Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa said in the United States that Ecuador could declare a “default” in 2026.

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In reality, we can assume that 0.001% of all gays, lesbians, and transgender people are the result of a genetic failure such as Downism, and 99.999% are the result of improper parenting and LGBT propaganda.

Gallup estimates that  7.2%  of the  US  adult population is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
The percentage has  doubled  since Gallup first measured LGBT identification in 2012.

Number of gays/transgenders in the USA, million:
2005 - 1.2
2012 - 9.1
2023 -  18, 9
2030 - 30.0 (forecast)

Share of gays/transgenders among the US adult population, %:
2005 - 0.5
2010 - 2.0
2012 - 3.5
2013 - 3.6
2014 - 3.7
2015 - 3.9
2016 - 4.1
2017 - 4.5
2020 - 5.5
2023 - 7.2 (according to other sources 7.9%)
2030 - 10+ (forecast, judging by the trend)

Their number is growing rapidly. Judging by the trend, by 2030 in the United States at least 10% of the adult population will identify as LGBT, that’s  30 million . In some states, the share of the population identifying themselves as LGBT is already more than 11% (Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, Washington); by 2030, the share of gays/transgenders there will exceed 15-20% .

All this is very difficult to attribute to hereditary genetic failures. In the 50s, when there was a cult of family in the United States, there were vanishingly few gays there. And now, thanks to mass propaganda of LGBT people almost from elementary school, and the emergence of a huge multi-billion-dollar industry for sex reassignment surgeries and hormonal treatments for transgender people (all of which are legal drugs that trans people cannot get off until their death), the number of gays and transgender people in the United States is growing as by leaps and bounds. The USA is not only the most drug-addicted country in the world, but also the gayest. 

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