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Everything posted by wrigley

  1. I thought it was a catch ball never hit ground
  2. NE-155 seems like a steal , but watch Denver win who knows
  3. look at all the pro wrestlers that died in their 40's roids had a effect Rude Henning road warrior
  4. Good to see the old Pac man would not have done that
  5. Clev -8 total 101.5 for 2nd half im not playing either
  6. Just pisses people off trying to get home here, hurts their cause I would think
  7. embarrassing night for cleveland cavs fans and bettors
  8. which players are being paid to therow the match tonight anyone know??
  9. Fans can go home at halftime be plenty of empty seats by the 4th qtr
  10. the day may even come where banks charge you to hold your money http://www.businessinsider.com/in-the-future-you-may-have-to-pay-the-bank-to-hold-your-money-2013-11
  11. not unless they both die before it not a chance
  12. warriors on track for 140 but this may be over by end of 3rd
  13. NE-235 is that ML mosts shops have it at -160-170 range
  14. Bernie was looking good until after the debate last night
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