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  1. Don't forget to get my FREE 5* star play of the day on my twitter.
  2. I have a problem with them abusing their power whether the person is black, white, chinese etc.
  3. Desthi is a fucking pussy. Kerry is a complete socoipath. Why bother even engaging him? I don't give a shit about your personal info. I just wish you would post more stories like the RX days. Make it happen
  4. Hey TimelyShitting how many ghosts you have @ EOG?
  5. TheManEJ why do you still engage Kerry @ EOG? Talk about obsessed.
  6. Of course they need to be held accountable by the people who pay their fuckin ridiculous salaries. These fuckers make 6 figures in the burbs of NJ.
  7. I'm still still scrubs right TheManEJ
  8. JFC Got fucking jobs you lazy sacks.
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