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Everything posted by BranchDavidian

  1. Plate tectonics. Actually land is being subsumed as some plates are forced under other plates, and land is forming from molten lava as other plates are forced up. (This phenomena is falsely used as proof of human-caused climate change, by the way. ) So, if God is responsible for what land we do have, He should be credited for this creation as well!
  2. Does this mean that non-believers are incapable of understanding God, while believers only are capable of understanding?
  3. You're talking about taking your kids, right?
  4. Totally agree. They've been stupid for a long time. Who wants to see some jock grind and grab his junk? And then you watch a college game and see a flag thrown for "excessive celebration" after a touchdown with the normal celebration having happened.
  5. That's a new one for me. And, it makes sense. The Israelites at that time seemed to mix and match as they saw fit. A conglomeration of Greek gods and Pagan gods were all worshiped for various reasons. So, when the Christians came on the scene with their newfangled one-god religion --- the new religion had to acknowledge the existence of the already recognized gods or it wouldn't have any credibility with the public. Those early Christians were able to spread their fairytale at the expense of the Greek and Pagan fairiytales. And, the current Christians have no problem ignoring the fact that their Creator of the Universe had to admit that there are other gods that pre-date Him.
  6. Sounds like you don't like the Old Testament too much? Are you picking and choosing which parts of the Bible to believe? Are some of the newer things the Bible claims God says more believable than some of the older stuff? Here's another worry I've had: Why would a monotheistic God make a commandment for His followers to not worship other gods before Him? Who are these other gods that God is jealous of when writing those commandments? ( It seems it is O.K. to worship other gods, just don't place them higher than God. ) Pagan gods, of course, which were worshiped by people at that time. So, it seems that whoever wrote the Ten Commandments believes that multiple gods exists. Do you think God is worried about beings such as Santa Claus or Thor or Baal, or could it be that Moses ( or more accurately the author of Genesis ) is more likely the being worried about people worshiping gods other than God? Seems that Divine Inspiration is nothing but human imagination.
  7. Unless those lying, traitorous Dems can convince enough Americans to turn America into a banana republic for them.
  8. The oldest argument for the existence of God is that nothing can exist without being created. Since we have been created, there must be a God that did it. QED. The problem with that "proof", is that you now have to explain who created God, since you have already postulated that nothing can be created without a creator. Had to be a bigger God! And, then who created that Bigger God, and on and on and on. Just like infinity, God does not respond to reason.
  9. Yup. God and evolution are not incompatible. Doesn't require a different view of God, just that creation was not static. But how did everything start? Did it start or was it always here? Is time infinite? Here's the conundrum of the day: If God always existed, and then created the universe at some point in time --- that means that God existed for an infinite amount of time before deciding to create us. ( Infinity may not respond to reason! ) If an infinite amount of time passes and we have not been created, then we never will be created. An infinity of time can be divided up into segments. An infinity of time elapsed while God existed and nothing else existed before God got around to considering creation. If any infinity of time is required before any other act, that other act is impossible.
  10. Yeah, that would be acceptable to me. The beginning of the Universe was a miracle then - if there was a beginning! Even if there never was a beginning and the Universe simply always existed ( if that is possible ), lets agree that the very existence of the universe is a miracle. That still leaves that unsettling alternative. Because we still need a mechanism for life to show up in this universe. God's children do not accept the universe always existed, but was created by a being that always existed. They claim that the fact we are here proves God's existence, because something had to create the universe. They can't understand that if God could of always existed, then the universe could just as easy have always existed! So, until we get a better theory, I'll still go with evolution. Did you hear that we have discovered amino acids being formed in outer space?
  11. According to Christianity, God spoke to Moses and revealed what He wanted from Humans. The WORD was put into written form so there would be no mystery as to what He wanted. All us humans had to do was be born after Moses and hear what Moses said to the masses, and have a good reason to believe Moses. We don't need to reject any science, and we don't need to accept any science. Only reason. If there is a God, He is not bound by laws. He is magical. He knows our every thought and desire. He has told us His desire, according to Christianity. He wants us to worship Him. No mystery. So, what does your super-magical being do after creating the universe to ensure that His desires are met? Some period of time after many generations of humans have lived and died, He comes down to Earth and gives Moses the Word, so it can get transmitted to the rest of humanity. Now, your God has the ability to communicate with each and every one of His subjects since He knows our every thought, but He elects to let one man spread the word at at time in history when there is no social media. The Word is not going to reach humanity, and how much of humanity is going to believe any of the fanatics that are running around in the World at this time claiming to have special knowledge from God!!! Really? Does this sound like a Divine Plan, or more like the oldest human scam on Earth? Yes, there are alot of questions out there that we can't answer --- but, this one seems pretty obvious if you have not been indoctrinated.
  12. People loved by God have not fared well in history. So what good is it?
  13. All paths on this Earth lead to death. No electrical activity in your brain means no consciousness. You won't know what you don't know or anything else!!! Religions exist because humans cannot accept reality. Fairytales for adults. If you have never witnessed a miracle, something that defies nature's laws, -- why would you believe in a fairy tale?
  14. Amazing how a lie can spread around the world in a minute while the truth crawls across the finish line. In 2017, one lib after another here constantly quoted this ridiculous sound bite that 97% of scientists agree that global warming is caused by human activity. Anybody that didn't accept this "fact" was fodder for humiliation, it did not matter to the libs that scientific results are not determined by voting. No, the libs determine truth by who has the most propaganda, which is always the libs, because they control the media. Well, now it appears that this lib conspiracy is about to face the truth. Some real scientists have grown tired of the propaganda and lies spread by the scientists that have been sucking at the government's teat. 500 Prominent Scientists Warn U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’A group of scientists and professionals in climate and related fields sent a letter to the United Nations on Sept. 23 declaring that “there is no climate emergency.” “The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose,” the letter, sent to Secretary-General António Guterres, states. “Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions of dollars on the basis of results from such immature models.” The letter was signed by [over 500] prominent scientists and professionals from related fields, including atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen and applied geology professor Alberto Prestininzi. The effort is led by professor Guus Berkhout, a Dutch engineer who served as professor of acoustics, geophysics, and innovation management at the Delft University of Technology. Berkhout intends to release the full list of 500 signatories in Oslo on Oct. 18. The letter states that current climate policies undermine the economic system and put lives at risk by denying countries affordable energy. “We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics, and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation,” the letter states. The letter’s release coincided with the U.N. climate summit in New York. Exemplifying some of the alarmism that prompted the letter, teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg told the summit that the planet is in the beginning stage of “mass extinction.” At a press briefing accompanying the letter, the scientists point out that the warming projected by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show temperature increases four times higher than the warming that was actually observed. The IPCC has previously said its climate models can’t be used to accurately predict long-term changes in the climate. “In sum, a strategy must recognize what is possible. In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible,” the IPCC’s 2018 report states. The letter to the U.N. states that the Earth’s climate has always varied. The recent increase in global average temperature is no surprise, it says in the letter, considering that the Little Ice Age ended in 1850. The letter also says that global warming hasn’t led to more natural disasters. The Berkhout-led letter follows a petition by more than 90 Italian scientists, publicized in June, which challenges the assertion that humans cause global warming as a theory based on models that have failed to adequately predict climate changes. “It is scientifically unrealistic to attribute to humans the responsibility for the warming observed from the past century to today,” the Italian petition states. “The advanced alarmist forecasts, therefore, are not credible, since they are based on models whose results contradict the experimental data. All the evidence suggests that these models overestimate the [human] contribution and underestimate the natural climatic variability, especially that induced by the sun, the moon, and ocean oscillations.”
  15. We have a historical first right here in America. That's right, this is the first time ever that people have risked life and limb to walk over a thousand miles ignoring the laws of each and every country along the way they had to cross to get here - only to sneak into America's CONCENTRATION CAMPS. It used to be that concentration camps had to be filled with people that were brought there against their will. Until now that is..... NOW concentration camps are so popular that there is no room left at the inn. Yes, the conditions are so disgusting at these camps, that the rest of the world is breaking into them.
  16. There is a lot of things you can say, but not much of what you have said is true. Obama was the guy that told us to get used to 2% growth, because you would need a magic wand to find a way to grow faster!!!\ Trump found that wand, that Obama did not believe existed!!!
  17. Phone scams have skyrocketed in popularity to such an extent that more robocalls are made than regular calls. I'm willing to wager that a lot of these scammers are making a lot of money - or they would not be so popular with the scammers. Maybe the point could be made better in the religious field. The mega church type people, Olsteen for example. What goes around does not come around.
  18. Everybody thinks their imaginary friend is "on their side". So many deaths from fighting over who's imaginary friend is "real"!!!
  19. The Feds could get him whether or not Chicago let him walk. The Feds are actually investigating Chicago's district attorney - maybe, just maybe, this corruption was too far out in the open.
  20. So, Biden figures he can call all white people racist to make the Left happy, and then ask the Left to elect a white man?
  21. What's really shocking is how all this corruption is now right out in the open.
  22. Seems Chicago has a prosecutor that is voted in rather than appointed. So, the prosecutor has political reasons for doing this, not legal reasons.
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