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Everything posted by BranchDavidian

  1. That was the old days. Today, that fella is being chased right out of the pasture because all the other zebras want to get even with this guys remote ancestor. ( Doesn't matter that all the other zebras now can drink out of any watering hole they like, somehow they feel that they are making amends for the discrimination suffered by their remote ancestors by today's discrimination. )
  2. But, instead of solving the puzzle he adds words to it while hiding letters already shown!
  3. Good question. Good answer - someone that claims to hate homosexuals, but really loves them! So, sports j thinks a lot of the posters here actually love homosexuals?
  4. I do just walk by and carry on with life. I don't belabor the point. This is a thread about greeters in an open forum, and I had an opinion so I expressed it.
  5. I am really annoyed by these greeters. Why must I be accosted with the monotone muttering from these people? After the annoyance of the totally unnecessary greeting from a perfect stranger, I then realize that the price of every item is a little bit higher BECAUSE of this useless practice. Just stop already.
  6. Openingly mocking what? What are the kids on either side of him mocking? Are all costumes now the same as blackface? Or cultural appropriation? Do the libs insist nobody have any fun anymore? Looks to me like people projecting their own faults into the actions of others.
  7. It might not be a Chinese hoax, but it definitely is a hoax. It's been a long time since I have heard about the 97% agreement of scientists - that was all anybody heard if they questioned any of those claims a year ago. Seems other scientists are losing their fear of the lying liberal bullies.
  8. There are people that claim homosexuality is a choice. So, animals "choose"?
  9. I got a call from him during that time in 2009 when he was working as a tout. Seems he got ahold of BetIslands customer list and must of cold called them all. Right after all the publicity......probably got quite a few clients.
  10. The thawing isn't causing the breaks. The freezing, where the increase in volume occurs, caused the breaks. Frozen water does not flow as well as liquid water.
  11. DSI got me also. Have not played there in many years. Deposited $1000, after noticing an upgrade in rating across the street, for a $65,000 rollover. When I tried to make my first wager, got the notice that my limits had been reduced to $50. Seems they made good on a couple of large slow-pays from when they split from Bookmaker, and SBR thought that was worth an upgrade. Then all the reports of limiting began showing up when the deposits started rolling in after the upgrade.
  12. Many children feel inspired to stay childlike while watching Peter Pan. The Tooth Fairy inspires many children to learn how to handle money. Being "inspired" to believe in religious fairy tales can mollify the fears of cavemen. But, I think that people would be better off seeking the truth of reality rather than the comfort of wishful thinking. However, there are many who would rather not know the truth if it meant that cherished beliefs had to be tossed.
  13. All religions are like clubs or fraternities. A group of people with a shared belief system. After adding in the fact that each religious group believes that they are God's chosen people, and that they are the one's doing God's work here on Earth - while other religions are the work of the Devil..... and these enlightened individuals amongst us just can't help having this feeling that they are superior to those others that have been misled. They will, of course, convince themselves that this feeling of superiority does not exist - but deep down inside, they KNOW that they are going to heaven while those others are NOT. None of these people, it seems, ever stop to consider that of the thousands of religions that have been imagined - the MOST that can be true is ONE. That means that over 99% of these flights of fancy are fake news - even if one of them turns out to be true against all odds. Turns out religious people are the worst gamblers.
  14. Religion - the oldest scam on record. Probably the most successful scam ever devised. If Osteen or any other preacher is in your life, then your pocketbook is in their life. And, in return for your financial support, you get to hope that once the electrical activity in your brain ceases that you will live happily ever after. This is the only fairy tale that adults get to be proud to believe in!
  15. Of course you didn't see the part where it all started. That is exactly what everybody else went looking for before making a judgement. Just like the black guy in the video in the original post - he knows something happened before what he sees in video, but he does not seem to be worried about anything other than the fact that a white man hit a black girl. All these race-baiting videos start at a point AFTER the provocation or the initiation of the violence.
  16. Keep up the good work! This sounds like impeachment material to me.
  17. Its easy to offer bets that can't be graded. I'd bet you that if Trump lost the election, America would already be socialist and the economy would be in the tank.
  18. Tail of the dog: Can't understand what a "mob" of animals is capable of, and, does not care about actual victims - would rather jump on the race-card bandwagon.
  19. It would be nice if that were true. But, how many of the ones that ILLEGALLY invade our border sign-up for bennies immediately? It sure looks like the ones that want, demand, and expect open borders are coming here because they are NOT getting what their previous socialist governments had promised. So, they come here because they DO get a handout from our government - which we have been able to afford because of Capitalism. Yes, they can get socialism in the motherland - they just can't get any jobs, or food or money. I don't think that these migrants are too worried about the name of the political type of government that rules over them. They are worried about their standard of living, tho - and need to go on welfare just to survive once here. These are the new voters that the Dems NEED to stay in power, and they will vote Democratic until they assimilate.
  20. Changing to socialism is NOT an improvement, however.
  21. Camper - Medical marijuana is weed that has been grown by someone that has a medical marijuana card or caregiver card. It IS the same weed that grows from any marijuana seed. There is absolutely NO difference between medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, or weed that you buy off the street. The authorities DEFINE medical marijuana as marijuana grown by someone with a medical prescription.
  22. I hate being Debbie Downer here, but it will never work itself out. Governments always GROW. They never get smaller. The people that begin to accumulate power, special interest and politicians, use that power to stay in control and gain more control. That wasteful spending and over-taxing is how they go about keeping and gaining more power. Politicians and special interest working together. They will all say they agree with you and if you vote for them they will do their best to put an end to it all - and once in office immediately begin to line their pockets with special interest money. The honest politicians that get elected cannot fight the system - in congress, the power resides with those that have seniority ( and every politician with seniority has already gotten rich off of special interest ).
  23. As ALL socialist states claim. As yet, according to history, has not happened one single time. Of course, utopia has not been reached by any other method either. But, while not Utopia, at least Capitalism Has raised the standard of living for the World --- while every single socialist state has failed miserably. But, it seems that our caring socialists are simply too stupid to learn from history.
  24. If an applicant is unsuccessful before a record check, why allow or bother with a record check? This is just another chance for that HR twat to get blackmail material and a waste of time and resources for everyone involved!
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