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Everything posted by BranchDavidian

  1. A couple of years ago, I responded to a thread by, I think, Erb the Great? He just bought a house, did a little fixing up and then rented out to a family member. I also have been flipping for the last three years, and had been buying, fixing up and then renting for a few years prior to that. Been a landlord for the last 40 years before getting into buying fixer-uppers.
  2. BR seems to be of the impression that personal finances are a zero-sum game. The only way for one person to make more money is for some other person to make less money, according to BR's world view. Fortunately, that is not the way the world works. Unfortunately, the world is filled with people that cannot understand what is going on around them, and actually WANT to do things that will impact not only them negatively, but everyone around them also.
  3. Because of Capitalism, the "poor" in America live better than the middle class in any socialist state. If you idiots get your way, and bring socialism here - America will become just another failed state. And, the world will be a more dangerous place.
  4. Yes. Please put personal peccadilloes in perspective. Iag is correct. This was not a good thing for the President to say to a child calling in for a Santa chat. Obviously, the callers will be believers - this is the whole purpose of the promotion. But, let's not act as though the little girl exists in a vacuum. I'll bet that her and her friend's have been bombarded with just this argument on the playground and at home. Some of her friend's have discovered the truth and want to share. This is an age-old situation that we all went through. This WAS a bad act. But, the worst part is the timing. I'm sure the girl has been faced with this question before - but it should not be during this call! But, no children were actually hurt during this promotion.
  5. So many politicians getting so fabulously wealthy after "serving" the country IS the problem with this country. It is the reason why the government gets steadily larger and NEVER gets smaller.
  6. "On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt’s declaration of war on Japan. Three days later, Japan’s allies Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. For the second time, Congress reciprocated, declaring war on the European powers. More than two years after the start of World War II, the United States had entered the conflict." According to that time-line, I'd say Mike's version of history was pretty close.
  7. Not til December 7th, 1941. If you're talking about Hitler, you probably won't have much success looking during the American Revolution or Civil War or World War 1. Seems like you'd have to be talking about WW2. Must be that reference to WW2 in your list didn't reach Pearl Harbor Day?
  8. There may even be a negative correlation. I know, we are all human beings and we are all the same - is the only politically correct stance to take. But, being politically correct and being just plain correct are two different animals. There ARE genetic differences between races. These differences display themselves in temperament, athletic ability, health concerns, and intelligence. ( The case is easily made that the race of humans with the most athletic ability, on average, is the one with the lowest intellectual ability, on average. This thread demonstrates that negative correlation. )
  9. So now you think America or Trump has exterminated some race! Voting in Trump is like a holocaust to you? America is lost.
  10. All these Social Justice Warriors insisting that someone else hire Kaep and pay him a princely sum while at it - sounds a little humorous. Rather than trying to tell all the NFL owners how to run their businesses, the only real option you snowflakes have to address THIS microaggression would be to buy a team and then go ahead and hire all the malcontents you want. Then you can sit at the bottom of the league year in and year out. Once again, we have the Left ruining everything it touches.
  11. You HATE this country because you don't like who WE voted into office! Repeat that over and over again until your irrationality becomes obvious to even you.
  12. Yeah, I get all sorts of e-mailed offers. But, when I call in with a deposit - then, comes the apology. Would it really be that difficult for books that don't want your business to NOT send you offers?
  13. Florida Atlantic won by 4, but my Mercer bet was refunded. Point spread and odds are not off. Anybody know why? ( Don't feel like asking the book.)
  14. Exactly. After all, we're talking about COLLEGE sports - and, the libs have taken control of the universities. And, just like everything else the libs touch ........... it is now ruined. Performance is not important anymore, identity politics ( from the very same people that claim everybody else is the racist ) MUST be used to determine who gets jobs.
  15. It is simply amazing that the Left can look at Trump's dealings with foreign nations and convince themselves that what has been going on for the last 50 years was better than the last two.
  16. The only attack against OUR democracy that has any force is the one being carried out by the Left. That is where the erosion of our freedoms is coming from. Russia can't do a damn thing with their disinformation campaign compared to the damage you idiots have done.
  17. No reason given. I can't even remember if I am up or down lifetime - I haven't played there for about 10 years.
  18. Saw an upgrade across the street, so I thought I'd give them a shot. Figured they must have started treating customers fairly to take away the taint from recent complaints. I was wrong. Took the 150% bonus they are offering, with a rollover of at least $65,000, and immediately was limited to $50. I had seen another complaint of this very thing, but the upgrade fooled me. Just thought I'd let others know.
  19. Millions of people die each day from old age or accidents or war. So, obviously, these 42 (and counting) deaths are a significant start for our governmental policy of population control. Yeah, sure, some of you might think this is silly - but governments are notoriously inefficient. This particular attempt at control may have been rather costly in dollars compared to the number of deaths produced, but these efforts will surely get more productive with practice --- and then the American public can be truly proud of the forward thinking our government has done to protect the future for all of our descendants.
  20. Liberalism is what has happened to this once great country.
  21. You're right, Mike. But, it is better to apologize and admit your mistakes rather than carry-on as a jackass. SNL was lucky that their victim was willing to play along. As rjt points out, this was great publicity for Crenshaw - and, also for SNL. This whole episode tends to point out how the liberals take themselves so seriously while claiming victim status for every assumed slight, while conservatives reject that victimhood status even when they truly have been victimized.
  22. I'm not at all sure about that. AmericasBookie does not seem to want me back, while 1Vice does. AB's bailout was more of a loan, I think. I am just wondering how safe 1Vice would be now. If, indeed, AB was behind 1Vice - then I would have no worries with 1Vice. But, if someone of shady character has bought Vice's old sheet and hoped to garner customers without decent backing --- that is the sort of info I would like to know about.
  23. Got a call yesterday. New management is looking at old players - Griffin had given me the boot. Haven't seen anything about this book since AmericasBookie bailed them out after the NBA fiasco. Does anybody have any adVice?
  24. What planet are you living on? Here on Earth, the media is left-wing and radical.
  25. Yeah, that definition is critical. I'd say that almost all women have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives. What teenage or college party does not have a male trying to get to know a female better? Most young males are rather inept at courting, and get drunk to loosen inhibitions. Both the boys and the girls want this to happen. Unfortunately, someone has to make a move - or nothing happens. When the immature boy makes a move that the recipient was hoping for - no problem. But, when the girl was hoping that a different boy makes the move - then there comes the point where that boy making the move is considered a culprit. Today, that boy is told to ask for permission before making any sort of move. How many girls actually want a boy to say "May I please hold your hand?" before then politely asking " May I please put my arm around your shoulders?" and finally moving to the third question as the night ends - " May I kiss you?". This is what today's feminists demand. Any romance will surely be dead by this point. So, I suppose just about every female with an ounce of desirability has had a clumsy boy try to cop a feel at some point in her life. Teenage exploration - today, that is called sexual harrassment.
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