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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. i could deal with the depression, i could also deal with the anxiety if needed, and I did for many years after the divorce...... but the racing thoughts, suicidal thoughts and insomnia are absolutely unbearable. There is no way i can continue to live with these symptoms.... the doctor basically says its incurable and i have to accept the fact that i am permanently disabled. were you divorced? why did you think it was rougher for you?
  2. i used to gamble and was well known on the forums.... was married, had a happy life. Everything started spiraling out of control with a divorce several years back.
  3. many have recommended this type of activity, it is simply sensory overload for me when i go out in public, i see people on the streets and i would change places with them in a second. Its not because i am not grateful to be in the position im in with parental support, but rather the pain is so intolerable.
  4. the more videos i watch of this (adam) it seems that he was really with it. Of course i cannot be in his mind.
  5. i suppose i am guilty of going through the weeds as well.... i commend you for staying on the path housepicks, but i dont believe you should judge those of us who have made mistakes. I do admire you though and if I had another go around there are certain things i would surely change.
  6. why is there fighting starting in this thread?
  7. everything i see in the world when im walking around depresses me, happy normal people everywhere. Suicidal thoughts all day long
  8. ive been in this state for 5 years now, before i completely lost my mind i was relatively sharp but always had poor memory.
  9. mirtazapine (remeron) clomazepan (klonopin)
  10. bingo..... i cant believe this is a gift, i wouldn't wish this pain on Hitler.
  11. anxiety may be excitement? knowing that doesn't stop the pain? I miss laughing, music, good tv shows, movies, being in a relationship.
  12. I have tried group therapy in AA settings, and some CBT. Im not sure what you mean about my gift to be productive? I want to refuse to lose but cognitively I cannot, when adam talks about departmentalization disorder i can relate to that.
  13. i simply dont have the cognition to focus on anything including physical activity.... the depression, anxiety, racing thoughts and insomnia are simply crippling, basically like a vegetable.
  14. My insomnia is a burden of my mind racing all the time, cant stop thinking. I reside with my parents at 45 years old, with no hope or future, and as you can imagine they are elderly, I am such a burden. its an impossible situation with frankly only one solution as i see it.
  15. are you able to work? or are you on assistance? watching this adam guy's videos I honestly cant help but feel my pain and torment is far worse, I suffer from horrendous insomnia. It also sounds like he got his hands on something to take to help him end it all, I simply dont know what to do.
  16. he has a youtube channel with about 16 or 20 videos, he does seem capable in the videos yet describes a situation where he coudnt read three pages of a book. Also his father had power of attorney and had to manage his banking and everything else. I dont think he was psychotic but im not even really sure what that means. surprising to me that he could drive but i guess everyone is different.
  17. that's a fascinating thought, why would anyone choose such a thing? I know that people think that of me in my case, i can just see the disappointment in the eyes of my family.
  18. I agree it is confusing, when you watch some of his other videos it sounded absolutely horrible, yet he was still able to drive? Ive watched 5 or 6 of his videos and apparently his father had power of attorney he wasnt really able to do much for himself, yet he seemed to be able to do quite a bit IMO
  19. because many on these forums were arguing that if you commit suicide you are a coward. when chester bennington went that is what people were saying. I was arguing against it.
  20. you mean these are actions you took in the past?
  21. what do you mean by that? I have also made some poor choices in my life and have regrets and sometimes wonder if this is the punishment?
  22. He is lucky, it seems someone gave him the drugs that would allow him to die in peace, i dont know what he took.
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