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Everything posted by homedog

  1. Must listen is accurate https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1786347836856267180
  2. What I meant, Bater, is that the 4 choices he gives in the poll don't make much sense.
  3. There is no local books choice.
  4. Look who programmed it.
  5. The operators are moving away from this type of stuff as soon as it is negative to the earnings. It isn't like 2-3 years ago. Carbon capture isn't going away though so they'll figure out a way to make money.
  6. Not intending to be pedantic but Oxy isn't a driller, they are an operator. I wouldn't bail on that one.
  7. Is this Landers guy a tranny?
  8. Men actually watch this?
  9. Operators aren't making investments because of the idiot in office and his administration (whoever is running the show for him)
  10. Operators are still doing fine with the prices up the way they are. The drilling market in the US is shit though.
  11. I ate at one in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. I've never heard of them before and didn't know they were in the US. Good burger.
  12. Some of you guys should come out of your parent's basement every now and then.
  13. Legs, back, biceps then 2 mile walk at fast pace.
  14. I piss in the backyard all the time. Don't have a laundry sink but if I did I don't think it would cross my mind to piss in it. I do piss in the shower from time to time though.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzfImu_LZrE
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