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Quiz to if you are a progressive, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian


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Find out below after taking the quiz. ANSWERS A = Strongly Agree B = Somewhat Agree C = Neither Agree nor Disagree D = Somewhat Disagree E = Strongly Disagree TAKE THE QUIZ


1. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Economic inequality is a major problem in modern industrial societies”?


2. One proper role of government is to ensure that nobody gets left behind due to circumstances beyond their control.


3. Each of us bears responsibility for the safety, welfare, and happiness of our fellow man.


4. When choosing between two possible laws, we should always choose the law that provides the greatest benefit to the largest number of people.


5. Because individual people sometimes act selfishly, it is OK for government to pass laws that limit choices to ensure that people don’t get taken advantage of.


6. It’s acceptable for the government to provide public funding to private charitable organizations that provide useful services to the poor.


7. The wealthiest people in society have the greatest responsibility to provide for the services and basic needs of the poor.


8. Because some people make unhealthy choices about what they put into their bodies, it’s acceptable to pass laws that makes certain things illegal or at least harder to acquire.


9. Big companies who gain a monopoly over a given market pose a major threat to society and should be broken up or regulated to protect consumers.


10. If we really want to, we could eliminate poverty through greater education, a safe environment, and fair workplaces.


11. It’s an unfortunate reality that many people are inherently greedy, selfish, and violent, and they cause most of the problems in society.


12. In any question of individual rights versus group rights, the rights of the group are greater because the individual is just one person while the group is many people.


13. The idea of race is an old-fashioned social construct, and there really is no difference between the various racial and ethnic groups.


14. The world would be a much better place if we treated males and females as completely equal in every way.


15. Because all cultures have something to offer, we should give every culture and social group an equal voice in making laws, policies, and setting standards.


16. The closer we get to a world where everyone has equal wealth and status, the more perfect the world will be.


17. A true democracy where the majority vote rules is the only fair way for a government to operate.


18. Individuals should have the right of free speech, unless their speech can be shown to hurt or offend other people.


19. If people aren’t willing to contribute to charity when they can afford to, it’s acceptable to pass laws to force them to give money to certain charities.


20. Money (or the love of money) is the root of all evil in the world.


21. People are better off when progress is driven by science and social discourse, rather than by religion or faith.


ANSWER KEY Scoring Per Question A = 5 points B = 4 points C = 3 points D = 2 points E = 1 point


: Results 0-20 = Ron Paul (Libertarian)

21-35 = Ted Cruz (Conservative)

36-60 = Jeb Bush (Moderate)

61-80 = Donald Trump (Moderate Progressive)

81-100 = Hillary/Obama (Liberal Progressive)

100+ = Bernie Sanders (Socialist Progressive)

“100 plus, you’re Karl Marx himself,”

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: Results 0-20 = Ron Paul (Libertarian)

21-35 = Ted Cruz (Conservative)

36-60 = Jeb Bush (Moderate)

61-80 = Donald Trump (Moderate Progressive)

81-100 = Hillary/Obama (Liberal Progressive)

100+ = Bernie Sanders (Socialist Progressive)

“100 plus, you’re Karl Marx himself,”


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