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Real Clear Politics' electoral map based on state poll averages shows Clinton barely edging Trump 272 to 266.


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Exactly. That's a good thing. We saw what happened when Obama went unchecked.

But they didn't do anything. They rejected their own policies and tried to pass nothing. They took more vacation days than any congress before and voted to veto the same bill 60+ times knowing it was a waste of time. They just kicked, cried and screamed for 6 years.


Unchecked, auto industry saved. Gas prices you guys said would be $6? Job growth impeded by the GOP who presented nothing but Benghazi hearings. They are obstructionists who defy any constitutional responsibilities, like having a hearing on a justice. That's just irresponsible, immature, and destructive. If the Dems did it you'd post 5000 articles about the lies and excuses made to justify it.

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Um, ok. M

They blocked 500+ bills and have refused to confirm a very moderate choice for the Supreme Court.


Can't wait for Hillary to nominate Obama and a few other libtards when the old fucks on the Supreme Court croak or retire.

Serious question. How would any of that benefit you. All other races vote pretty much on party lines accept for us retarded whites. Why do you vote against your own well being?
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Serious question. How would any of that benefit you. All other races vote pretty much on party lines accept for us retarded whites. Why do you vote against your own well being?

What do you mean? I don't really care too much about race . People are people. Probably a tough concept since all you see and associate with is your own kind.


I live in a place where I'm basically a minority as a white person and it doesn't bother me at all.


I don't take politics are seriously as you as I know it really won't impact my life anyways.

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Every group who has been marginalized votes one way, a group of white men vote the other way.








All marginalized by the country of white men all vote blue, I consider it a responsibility to support those who undoubtedly have it harder and who all vote the same way. The GOP argues none of them know what's best for themselves, but the only group who hasn't had to fight for every single "human right" is white men. All rights are given to straight white men, I'll side with those who fought for their seat at the table.


Fighters - Blue

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What do you mean? I don't really care too much about race . People are people. Probably a tough concept since all you see and associate with is your own kind.


I live in a place where I'm basically a minority as a white person and it doesn't bother me at all.


I don't take politics are seriously as you as I know it really won't impact my life anyways.

But it does impact your life. You are paying the highest taxes in the Nation. Blacks and Hispanics vote for dems because they promise to give them everything they want. I'm just wondering what they offer you. You have lost your voice in California and you seem to be perfectly fine with that.
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