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donald trump fake news


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so basically the fake news are saying that the fbi and james comey are investigating collusion with russia towards the elections.


james comey himself said that he and the fbi were investigating whatever the amount of things that they were investigating but you know what, there isn't any investigating going on by the fbi, and james comey isn't doing anything.


Even if the fbi and james comey are indeed and have been doing some investigating there is nothing that will be found and this is a pure waste of time.


is there a conspiracy that that vladimir putin and russia wanted donald trump as president?  i really don't see a problem with russia at all and i love corruption as long nobody knows and the forensics experts will find nothing.  I have never come across a case of corruption with the specific target of doing wrong against innocent people.  When you're on that battlefield, anything goes including death so if you didn't weigh the options beforehand that's your fault if you end up at the very worse dying or less than this of course.


tim donaghy was the worst thing that ever happened to gambling in modern times.  Of course we know these games can be rigged.  But the fact of the matter is that he got caught red handed with forensic evidence and he should be ashamed.  


There is no way in hell that donald trump would be stupid enough to be caught like tim donaghy did so when all these fake news pass on by i totally expect the price of bitcoin to soar pass the $1045 that i see now.  


i mean give me a conor mcgregor fookin break, it should be at $1300 but unfortunately we've got some fake news going on right now to have to go through.


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Absolutely amazing to me that he is still tweeting, exposing himself as the fool that he is . Mind boggling he is the leader of the free world, never thought I'd see anything like this ever in my life, it's surreal. Such an embarrassment.


there's no way in hell that donald trump can be this dumb.  it's annoying as hell but we gotta give him lots of chances.


You know the minute i'm on a very popular and known to be busy road with absolutely no cars around during the day i say to myself my god this feels too easy to speed, and then i think of motorcycle cops waiting for me to speed on the fuck up and then siren my ass, NO THANK YOU let me just do the speed limit no more than 5 miles over.


Well anyways lots of pros and cons but let me tell you of the top of my head i am so grateful there aren't going to be any road closures because of obama coming to town.  It's an isolated incident each and every time he came to los angeles while he was president to have the roads blocked off but i am absolutely happy this kind of shit isn't going to be happening soon again.  And he was here way too many fuckin' times too at that!  LOL


if donald trump is coming here, it's more than likely going to be in orange county, as i highly doubt he would ever come to los angeles county as many times as obama did during his 8 year tenure.

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Could be 23% or 20%... I even heard 15%.


if donald trump had a 1 percent approval rate, i think it's absolutely bullshit.


If he is that bad, i say impeach him or assassinate.  


You know the reason why i don't like the muslim ban bullshit is because it's going to inspire way too many people to go underground and cause havoc.


My friends we never want cancer to grow upon us when we least expect it because at least for me, i'd rather die right away.


i truly believe in being on defense at all times, and the time that we need to be on offense i hope that we have the best marksmen of snipers ready to take out the worthy targets without having to answer to much at all if you know what i mean.


Again we must steer very clear of innocent people as much as possible.

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Absolutely amazing to me that he is still tweeting, exposing himself as the fool that he is . Mind boggling he is the leader of the free world, never thought I'd see anything like this ever in my life, it's surreal. Such an embarrassment.


What is really embarrassing is that half of our country would rather see US fail than Trump succeed.

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