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ESPN.com Top 20 Athletes in the last 20 years


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I didn't really Spankie was such a Lance nut (only one' date=' hehe) hugger. [/quote']



That's the thing--- Armstrong is the best doped cyclist..


He is not the best cyclist, let alone the best athlete.


Lemond was better than Armstrong, the only difference is he wasn't doped to the human limits.

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also roids have nothing to do with the debate on the better athlete, thats a different debate, unless we're talking about the top 20 athletes who never did roids


Lance Armstrong will always be top 5 athlete


sorry miker


Sorry Spankie but you're completely wrong. Armstrong realized the necessity for doping when he was getting his shit pushed in on Motorola and when he came in last in his first professional race in Europe. Three years later (doped to the gills he won the same event) When he won the World Championship he was doping. He was at that point still considered a medium talented potential classics rider.


This shows you about where he was in 1994.



When he came back, he leveraged the hilariously best doping program and coupled it with a plan of focusing on one event (the TdF) a year. The team he was on was easily the best team and they had one goal. He wasn't better than Indurain. He was definitely not better than Lemond. Lemond would have fucking wrecked him on an even playing field.




The article has the thing about Armstrong offering a teammate of Lemond's $300,000 to lie about Lemond using PEDs.


VO2 Max scores:


Greg Lemond 92.5

Miguel Indurain 88.0

Lance Armstrong 84.0 (which puts him below Steven Prefontaine)


The difference between the scores is laughable. When Contador climbed up Verbier his VO2 Max was 99 but he was doping but you compare 99 to 84 it's like comparing apples to oranges. If you want to put the best cyclist here in the last 20 years then you can only put Contador. The greatest cycling performance during that time was when Contador and Armstrong were on the same team in 2009 and JB cut Contador's closest ally right before the Tour began to isolate him and then with Lance basically removed him from the team. So Contador went ahead and beat the shit out of Lance by himself with no help. Something Lance could never have done. Contador won the hardest endurance event on Earth with no team and solidified the victory on Mt. Ventoux on the second to last stage. What did Armstrong do. He made sure Contador was left on top of the mountain to make his way down in a six hour car ride traffic jam with the spectators.


Bonds was a top 3 player in baseball before he ever stuck a needle in his body. Armstrong never sticks a needle in his body then he would have been luck to win something like Paris-Roubaix once. Armstrong was just a top 20 sociopath.


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Lance is the man, always will be. Roids or no roids. And he had to dope to compete with the other dopers, that's pretty obvious. But if they are all on roids and he's still winning, I guess that makes him the best roider.


Raised millions for cancer research, gave hope to thousands of dying people.


Great legacy

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Lance is the man, always will be. Roids or no roids. And he had to dope to compete with the other dopers, that's pretty obvious. But if they are all on roids and he's still winning, I guess that makes him the best roider.


Raised millions for cancer research, gave hope to thousands of dying people.


Great legacy



he made a website/company under the ruse of it being a charity... he used the foundation to get sponsor money, sold the website and kept that too


just like u2's bono, almost none of the funds actually went to a charitable purpose and i doubt that a single person was ever cured of anything because of lance



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Lance is the man, always will be. Roids or no roids. And he had to dope to compete with the other dopers, that's pretty obvious. But if they are all on roids and he's still winning, I guess that makes him the best roider.


Raised millions for cancer research, gave hope to thousands of dying people.


Great legacy


Lance was THE best roider. He spent the most money developing the best doping program in the world.


He paid off testers, teammates, sponsors. He paid money to destroy people's reputations.


The debate is not about who gave the most hope to dying people.


It is who are the greatest athletes in the world the last 20 years.


Lemond would crush Armstrong.


Lemond is the greatest American cyclist of all-time.


People rip Bonds for being a nasty prick. Lance sets the bar. He paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to destroy innocent people who dared to speak the truth of him. Honestly, the guy deserves all the bad/awful shit that comes his way.


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Lance was THE best roider. He spent the most money developing the best doping program in the world.


He paid off testers, teammates, sponsors. He paid money to destroy people's reputations.


The debate is not about who gave the most hope to dying people.


It is who are the greatest athletes in the world the last 20 years.


Lemond would crush Armstrong.


Lemond is the greatest American cyclist of all-time.


People rip Bonds for being a nasty prick. Lance sets the bar. He paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to destroy innocent people who dared to speak the truth of him. Honestly, the guy deserves all the bad/awful shit that comes his way.


not only that, he sued those people for telling the truth and took their money! and let's not forget he cheated on his wife, and then he cheated on sheryl crow... totally selfish person

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Lance brought the importance of cancer research to light with the Livestrong movement.


It changed the world.


You can't deny that.



cancer is a product of the body breaking down, "curing" that process with chemicals or radiation is foolish and most of the higher ups in the medical mafia know that


why do we spend the most money on cancer research yet have the most people suffering/dying from cancer? all part of the game


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You're turning into a hero someone who tried to destroy innocent people's lives who sole interest was telling the truth about what was happening.



Betsy Andreu

Emma O'Reilly

Filippo Simeoni


So your hero is a guy who wanted to bribe someone to tell lies about Lemond who caught onto the fact Lance was cheating before everyone else. And basically destroyed Lemond's successful bike company.


Your hero is the person who had his Oakley rep threaten to have someone break a bat over Betsy Andreu's head because her and her husband were close friends with Lance and they were unlucky enough to be in the hospital room when he admitted using PEDs in 1996. They got subpoenaed and decided not to lie during the TdF bonus trial. How nutty to not want to lie during a court cause.


Your hero is the person who destroyed a young woman who was just a soigneur who was forced to tell the truth by portraying her as an alcoholic prostitute because she was unlucky enough to be in the room when Lance and JB were planning how to circumvent testing.


Lance in the 1990s didn't dope because other people were doping. After the Festina affair he was the leader in making sure that people he spoke out against doping were marginalized and ridiculed and destroyed. This was all while he was professionalizing doping to an unprecedented degree. There was one absolutely clean winner of the TdF in the last 20 years (Carlos Sastre). Lance publicly ridiculed him.


There are scores of over people who were run over by the Lance Armstrong juggernaut, a lot of them because they heard the wrong thing at the wrong time. Tyler Hamilton. Jonathan Vaughters. Levi Leipheimer. Christophe Bassons (forced out of the 1999 Tour by Armstrong because he was against doping).


But it's the last guy on the above list who maybe got it the worst.


Filippo Simeoni was in a doping program run by Armstrong's Dr. Ferrari. He got caught. He testified against Ferrari. Again that nutty thing about not wanting to lie in court. Armstrong called him a liar. Remember this is about Ferrari not Armstrong. Simeoni charges Armstrong with defamation and says he will give the money to charity.


Armstrong retaliates during the 2004 Tour. Description is here.




Simeoni is a really nice guy. His career was basically destroyed. Here's a picture of him holding his bike above his head during a win in 2001. The reason he's holding the bike above his head was to honor the victims of the 9/11 attack in the United States. The event was in Spain. He's Italian. He's honoring dead Americans. What a dick.


Lance Armstrong's Tour de France victories = 0

Alberto Contador's Tour de France victores = 2

Contador has also won the Grio and the Vuelta twice. It's not even close.


His legacy now is that he is the most hated athlete in the world. He ran the cancer thing to get suckers like you to think he's a good guy. He's not.


"The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason." - TS Eliot

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He is the #2 athlete in the last 20 years. Doesn't matter if he used roids. That's not the debate.


His achievements speak for themselves boys



Spankie, you're out of your mind.


I'll assume you rank Jordan #1.


And there is no way in hell you can make a case for Lance accomplishing more athletically than Woods, Federer, Serena Williams, or Usain Bolt.


Armstrong got his ass kicked at the Olympics, at the height of his success.


You can't call him the #2 athlete of all time when he performed so shitty at Sydney.



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no clue mike, i don't know anything about the allocation of the money


im about to sweat this kentucky game


do we all agree michael jordan is #1 at least?


i can agree with that... unless we're going by pure athleticism (who can run the fastest, jump the highest, etc) in which case i have no idea


there's probably some random dude down in kenya that is the best athlete of the last 20 years, but nobody has seen him run or jump

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