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I don't, because it's gonna be rigged to high heaven.  But this election is for or against The Idiot.  

At least Biden doesn't have the massive negatives Hillary had among her own party.   That's something in his favor, but again, it's all about the Idiot.  Yes or no on him.  

Is there another candidate, for any office, that won primarily because people felt sorry for him?

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Guesser thinks Biden does not have negatives among Dems lolol.


Wonder if he will still say the same after he loses.


My guess is that suddenly he will be a trash candidate after losing, same treatment Hillary got. She was gods gift and the most qualified candidate ever... Until she lost. Then she was a bum.


Biden was straight up loathed by God knows what percentage of Dem primary voters. To get people to rally to him every other centrist had to prematurely drop out, to manufacture any form of support at all for him.


No negatives among dems. Lol.

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Guesser thinks Biden does not have negatives among Dems lolol.


Wonder if he will still say the same after he loses.


My guess is that suddenly he will be a trash candidate after losing, same treatment Hillary got. She was gods gift and the most qualified candidate ever... Until she lost. Then she was a bum.


Biden was straight up loathed by God knows what percentage of Dem primary voters. To get people to rally to him every other centrist had to prematurely drop out, to manufacture any form of support at all for him.


No negatives among dems. Lol.

Yup, he never won anything, he failed in Iowa, NH, NV, then only because clyburn endorsed him in SC he won there because 70% of the dem voters were black. After that the others dropped out. Biden is a hollow shell that cant last.


When he gets challenged he cant even come up with a cogent answer, he merely says Cmon man, he's embarrassing.


With hillary it was how can she win when no one likes her, with biden it;s how can he win when he inspires no one.

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Guesser thinks Biden does not have negatives among Dems lolol.


Wonder if he will still say the same after he loses.


My guess is that suddenly he will be a trash candidate after losing, same treatment Hillary got. She was gods gift and the most qualified candidate ever... Until she lost. Then she was a bum.


Biden was straight up loathed by God knows what percentage of Dem primary voters. To get people to rally to him every other centrist had to prematurely drop out, to manufacture any form of support at all for him.


No negatives among dems. Lol.

This is why you lose your ass betting Politics, kid.  False narratives that you think are true because of your fee fees, rather than facts.  Hillary was HATED By many D's.  for 3 decades.  Biden is not.   He's just comfortable, old shoe Joe.  Not hated, nor loved.  Just there.  Doesn't stir any emotion.   That's better than the hatred Hillary stirred.  The funniest thing is seeing you Cultists try and paint him as some kind of radical socialist.  IF The Idiot loses, that will be the reason why.  Nobody buys that crap except brain dead Cultists who the Idiot already has no matter what.  

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This is why you lose your ass betting Politics, kid.  False narratives that you think are true because of your fee fees, rather than facts.  Hillary was HATED By many D's.  for 3 decades.  Biden is not.   He's just comfortable, old shoe Joe.  Not hated, nor loved.  Just there.  Doesn't stir any emotion.   That's better than the hatred Hillary stirred.  The funniest thing is seeing you Cultists try and paint him as some kind of radical socialist.  IF The Idiot loses, that will be the reason why.  Nobody buys that crap except brain dead Cultists who the Idiot already has no matter what.  

Hilary was hated by many on both sides. Same deal with Mrs Harris.

Trump by a landslide!

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I have wanted to puke multiple times listening to this nitwit Ivanka


It's absolutely horseshit



fuck you



I cannot believe what I'm hearing


She's out of her fucking mind



Alternates between "my father" and "president Trump" as if they're two different people


I literally yelled FUCK YOU hearing her talk of sitting in the oval office when he stopped travel from Europe



she's a fucking whore



if fucking kill them and you if I had the opportunity



you have serious mental issues



You people need to see jonestown documentaries


Jim Jones got hundreds to drink the Kool aid, like all of you



10k cash says NY is a democratic state



it's because you're a simpleton who would kiss Trump's ass if you could, eat his shit too

Talk about a meltdown Dont worry midget it will all be over with soon enough and you can get back to regular retarded mode

You gonna kill MIke or a Trump hahahahahaha

10k cash hahahahah



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I have long said that Trump v Anti-Trump always will yield Trump. 


And while it seems as if the DNC is choosing to just go with a pure Anti-Trump message, given the companies/corporations/institutions all joining in on these social causes, the election for the Dems is:


Trump v The Idea of Social Movements


Whereas for Reps, it's Law n Order v Chaos from the Left. 


Whoever frames their race better will win. I just think it'll be Biden since the people behind him all seem to be acting in concert, with the Dems knowing they can stop the riots at anytime if absolutely needed to. 


Will say that while the DNC Convention seemed to have a more broader appeal, the RNC made a much stronger closing case. 

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Yup, he never won anything, he failed in Iowa, NH, NV, then only because clyburn endorsed him in SC he won there because 70% of the dem voters were black. After that the others dropped out. Biden is a hollow shell that cant last.


When he gets challenged he cant even come up with a cogent answer, he merely says Cmon man, he's embarrassing.


With hillary it was how can she win when no one likes her, with biden it;s how can he win when he inspires no one.

C’mon man!!!

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I have long said that Trump v Anti-Trump always will yield Trump.


And while it seems as if the DNC is choosing to just go with a pure Anti-Trump message, given the companies/corporations/institutions all joining in on these social causes, the election for the Dems is:


Trump v The Idea of Social Movements


Whereas for Reps, it's Law n Order v Chaos from the Left.


Whoever frames their race better will win. I just think it'll be Biden since the people behind him all seem to be acting in concert, with the Dems knowing they can stop the riots at anytime if absolutely needed to.


Will say that while the DNC Convention seemed to have a more broader appeal, the RNC made a much stronger closing case.

Mach, for someone who is keyed in on post modern Marxism, I find it surprising that you believe Dems can just stop this monster in it's tracks any time they choose to. I think that's a major miscalculation. It's too late.

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Mach, for someone who is keyed in on post modern Marxism, I find it surprising that you believe Dems can just stop this monster in it's tracks any time they choose to. I think that's a major miscalculation. It's too late.


My area or network isn't too huge, but from what I can gather from those around me--and who they know that seem like a bellweather--I will venture to guess that there are plenty that do not know or care the extent of how the riots/looting have gone, PLUS, Dem Social causes messaging can be used to drown out/shield what's going on. 


So while Reps are masters are highlighting this stuff, the sense that I am getting is that a lot of people aren't caring too much and are more narrowly focused on "what's in it for them?" and are defaulting a bit to Biden 'because he seems reasonable.'


Just makes me think that Biden not only gets AZ, but MI/PA as well. And if that happens, this ballgame is his/theirs. 

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This survivor of evil doers brought tears to my eyes.

Amazing that people can say the nastiest things and make lies about Trump and not face repercussions.

NBA scum can criticize the President, Disrespect the flag and Support an Organization the encourages havoc to the US and still be revered as heroes


But you cant say jack shit in some places without facing the wrath of the government.

A shitstain like Brock would have already been rounded up and beaten for saying that he wants to kill a Trump earlier today....watch this and show

just an ounce of respect and gratitude punk.


‘Sake of the world’ depends on Trump’s re-election: Chinese dissident

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Trump -105

Biden -115



Scalpers delight as always, if one wishes to partake.  The Idiot will go back to at least -130 or so shortly.  Then the debates, if they happen, will be the next event that might shake up the odds.  I won't partake this time with the anticipated nonsense at the end dragging this out for a few months.  This is going to make Gore-W seem like a walk in the park with all the shenanigans.  

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This survivor of evil doers brought tears to my eyes.

Amazing that people can say the nastiest things and make lies about Trump and not face repercussions.

NBA scum can criticize the President, Disrespect the flag and Support an Organization the encourages havoc to the US and still be revered as heroes


But you cant say jack shit in some places without facing the wrath of the government.

A shitstain like Brock would have already been rounded up and beaten for saying that he wants to kill a Trump earlier today....watch this and show

just an ounce of respect and gratitude punk.


‘Sake of the world’ depends on Trump’s re-election: Chinese dissident

Not TOO Cultist.  LMFAO.   

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